1 – Commit
Commit Nocommit Makes the database conversion permanent. When you specify the Commit qualifier, the database is converted to an Oracle Rdb release 7.2 database and cannot be returned to the previous version. The default is Commit. When you specify the Nocommit qualifier, you can convert the database to Oracle Rdb release 7.2 and roll it back to the previous version at a later time. Using the Nocommit qualifier is helpful when you want to test your applications against a new version of Oracle Rdb. In the event that you find problems, you can roll back to the previous version. Once you feel confident that your applications work well with the new version, you should commit the converted database, otherwise unnecessary space is taken up in the database to store the obsolete alternate version of the metadata.
2 – Confirm
Confirm Noconfirm Requests user input during the conversion procedure. When you specify the Confirm qualifier, Oracle RMU asks if you are satisfied with your database and aij backup files. If the database being converted has after-image journaling enabled, Oracle RMU asks if you want to continue and states that after- image journaling will be temporarily disabled.
3 – Path
Path Identifies that the database is being specified by its data dictionary path name instead of its file specification. The Path qualifier is a positional qualifier.
4 – Prefix Collection
Prefix_Collection=option When you convert a database to release 7.2 from a release of Oracle Rdb prior to release 7.0, you can use the Prefix_ Collection qualifier to specify that sorted index prefix cardinality collection be Enabled, Enabled Full, or Disabled for all sysem and user sorted indexes. The following options are available for use with the Prefix_ Collection qualifier: o Disabled Specifies that index prefix cardinality collection is to be disabled. o Enabled Specifies that default collection is performed. The Oracle Rdb optimizer collects approximate cardinality values for the index columns to help in future query optimization. Enabled Estimate Specifies that prefix cardinality values for all indexes are to be estimated. o Enabled Collect Specifies that prefix cardinality values for all indexes are to be collected by calling the RMU Collect command. o Full Requests that extra I/O be performed, if required, to ensure that the cardinality values reflect the key value changes of adjacent index nodes. o Full=Estimate Specifies that prefix cardinality values for all indexes are to be estimated. o Full=Collect Specifies that prefix cardinality values for all indexes are to be collected by calling the RMU Collect command.
5 – Reserve
Reserve=(Area=n,Aij=n) Reserves space in the database root file for storage areas or .aij files, or both. Replace the character n with the number of storage areas or .aij files for which you want to reserve space. Note that you cannot reserve areas for a single-file database. You can reserve .aij files for a single-file database, but once the database is converted, you cannot alter that reservation unless you backup and restore the database. This qualifier is useful if, when you are converting your database, you anticipate the need for additional storage areas or .aij files. Because the addition of new storage areas or .aij files requires that users not be attached to the database, adding them while the database is being converted minimizes the time that the database is inaccessible to users. By default, one .aij file and no storage area files are reserved.
6 – Rollback
Rollback Norollback Returns a database that has been converted to an Oracle Rdb release 7.2 database (but not committed) to the previous version. You might decide to return to the previous version of the database for technical, performance, or business reasons. The Norollback qualifier prevents you from returning your converted database to the previous version. The default is the Norollback qualifier. If you specify both the Nocommit qualifier and the Rollback qualifier in the same RMU Convert command, your database is converted to Oracle Rdb release 7.2 and immediately rolled back to the previous version when the RMU Convert command is executed. This qualifier is valid only if you are converting from one of the following releases: 7.0 or 7.1.