HELPLIB.HLB  —  RMU72  Delete Optimizer Statistics, Command Qualifiers

1  –  Column Group


    Specifies a list of columns that comprise a single column group.
    The columns specified must be a valid column group for a table
    specified with the Tables=(table-list) qualifier. (Use the RMU
    Show Optimizer_Statistics command to display a valid column
    groups.) When you specify the Column_Group qualifier, the entire
    record in the RDB$WORKLOAD system table that holds data for the
    specified column group is deleted. Therefore, the next time you
    issue the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command, statistics
    for the specified column-group are not collected.

2  –  Log


    Specifies whether the statistics deleted from the RDB$WORKLOAD
    system table are to be logged. Specify the Log qualifier to have
    the information displayed to SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log=file-
    spec qualifier to have the information written to a file. Specify
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent display of the information. If you
    do not specify any variation of the Log qualifier, the default is
    the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL SET VERIFY
    command controls the DCL verify switch.)

3  –  Tables


    Specifies the table or tables for which column group entries are
    to be deleted, as follows:

    o  If you specify the Tables=(table-list) qualifier, but do
       not specify the Column_Group qualifier, then all column
       group entries for the listed tables are deleted from the
       RDB$WORKLOAD system table.

    o  If you specify the Tables=(table-list) qualifier, and you
       specify the Column_Group=(column-list) qualifier, then the
       workload statistics entries for the specified tables that
       have exactly the specified column group are deleted from the
       RDB$WORKLOAD system table.

    o  If you use an asterisk (*) with the Tables qualifier
       (Tables=*), all tables registered in the RDB$WORKLOAD table
       are deleted. This allows the RDB$WORKLOAD table to be purged.

    If you issue an RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command after
    you have deleted a workload column group from the RDB$WORKLOAD
    system table, those statistics are no longer collected.

    The Tables=(table-list) qualifier is a required qualifier; you
    cannot issue an RMU Delete Optimizer_Statistics command without
    the Tables=(table-list) qualifier.
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