HELPLIB.HLB  —  RMU72  Set  Logminer  Command Qualifiers

1  –  Continuous


    Enables the database for the Continuous LogMiner feature
    when used in conjunction with the Enable qualifier. Use the
    NoContinuous qualifier with the Enable qualifier to disable use
    of the Continuous LogMiner feature.

    The RMU Set Logminer /Disable command explicitly disables
    the Continuous LogMiner feature as well as the base LogMiner
    functionality. To enable the Continuous LogMiner feature again,
    the entire RMU Set Logminer /Enable /Continuous command must be

2  –  Disable

    Specifies that LogMiner operations are to be disabled for the
    database. When LogMiner is disabled, the Oracle Rdb software does
    not journal information required for LogMiner operations. When
    LogMiner is disabled for a database, the RMU Unload After_Journal
    command is not functional on that database.

3  –  Enable

    Specifies that LogMiner operations are to be enabled for the
    database. When LogMiner is enabled, the Oracle Rdb database
    software logs additional information to the after-image journal
    file. This information allows LogMiner to extract records. The
    database must already have after-image journaling enabled.

4  –  Log


    Specifies that the setting of the LogMiner state for the database
    be reported to SYS$OUTPUT. The default is the setting of the DCL
    VERIFY flag, which is controlled by the DCL SET VERIFY command.
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