HELPLIB.HLB  —  RMU72  Using LogMiner for Rdb
    Oracle Rdb after-image journal (.aij) files contain a wealth
    of useful information about the history of transactions in a
    database. After-image journal files contain all of the data
    needed to perform database recovery. These files record every
    change made to data and metadata in the database. The LogMiner
    for Rdb feature provides an interface to the data record contents
    of Oracle Rdb after-image journal files. Data records that are
    added, updated, or deleted by committed transactions may be
    extracted (unloaded) from the .aij files in a format suitable
    for subsequent loading into another database or for use by user-
    written application programs.

    Oracle Rdb after-image journaling protects the integrity of your
    data by recording all changes made by committed transactions to a
    database in a sequential log or journal file. Oracle Corporation
    recommends that you enable after-image journaling to record your
    database transaction activity between full backup operations
    as part of your database restore and recovery strategy. The
    after-image journal file is also used to enable several database
    performance enhancements (such as the fast commit, row cache, and
    hot standby features).

    See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Maintenance for more
    information about setting up after-image journaling.

    To use LogMiner for Rdb, follow these steps:

    1. Enable the database for LogMiner operation using the RMU Set
       Logminer command. See Set Logminer for additional information.

    2. Back up the after-image journal file using the Quiet_Point
       qualifier to the RMU Backup command.

    3. Extract changed records using the RMU Unload After_Journal
       command. See the Unload After_Journal help topic for
       additional information.

1  –  Restrictions and Limitations

    The following restrictions exist for the LogMiner for Rdb

    o  Temporary tables cannot be extracted. Modifications to
       temporary tables are not written to the after-image journal
       file and, therefore, are not available to LogMiner for Rdb.

    o  Optimized after-image journal files cannot be used as input
       to the LogMiner for Rdb. Information needed by the RMU Unload
       After_Journal command is removed by the optimization process.

    o  Records removed from tables using the SQL TRUNCATE TABLE
       statement are not extracted. The SQL TRUNCATE TABLE statement
       does not journal each individual data record being removed
       from the database.

    o  Records removed by dropping tables using the SQL DROP TABLE
       statement are not extracted. The SQL DROP TABLE statement does
       not journal each individual data record being removed from the

    o  Tables that use the vertical record partitioning (VRP) feature
       cannot be extracted using LogMiner for Rdb. LogMiner software
       currently does not detect these tables. A future release
       of Oracle Rdb will detect and reject access to vertically
       partitioned tables.

    o  Segmented string data (BLOB) cannot be extracted using
       LogMiner for Rdb. Because the segmented string data is
       related to the base table row by means of a database key,
       there is no convenient way to determine what data to extract.
       Additionally, the data type of an extracted column is changed
       from LIST OF BYTE VARYING to BIGINT. This column contains the
       DBKEY of the original BLOB data. Therefore, the contents of
       this column should be considered unreliable.

    o  COMPUTED BY columns in a table are not extracted. These
       columns are not stored in the after-image journal file.

    o  VARCHAR fields are not space padded in the output file. The
       VARCHAR data type is extracted as a 2-byte count field and a
       fixed-length data field. The 2-byte count field indicates the
       number of valid characters in the fixed-length data field. Any
       additional contents in the data field are unpredictable.

    o  You cannot extract changes to a table when the table
       definition is changed within an after-image journal file.
       Data definition language (DDL) changes to a table are not
       allowed within an .aij file being extracted. All records in an
       .aij file must be the current record version. If you are going
       to perform DDL operations on tables that you wish to extract
       using the LogMiner for Rdb, you should:

       1. Back up your after-image journal files.

       2. Extract the .aij files using the RMU Unload After_Journal

       3. Make the DDL changes.

    o  Do not use the OpenVMS Alpha High Performance Sort/Merge
       utility (selected by defining the logical name SORTSHR to
       SYS$SHARE:HYPERSORT) when using LogMiner for Rdb. HYPERSORT
       supports only a subset of the library sort routines that
       LogMiner requires. Make sure that the SORTSHR logical name
       is not defined to HYPERSORT.

2  –  Information Returned

    LogMiner for Rdb appends several output fields to the data
    fields, creating an output record. The output record contains
    fixed-length fields in a binary data format (that is, integer
    fields are not converted to text strings). The data fields
    correspond to the extracted table columns. This information
    may or may not be required by all applications and readers of
    the data. There is currently no available method to restrict or
    reorder the output fields.

    Extracted data field contents are the fields that are actually
    stored in the Oracle Rdb database. COMPUTED BY fields are not
    extracted because they are not stored in the database or in the
    after-image journal file. Segmented string (BLOB) contents are
    not extracted.

    Output Fields describes the output fields and data types of an
    output record.

    Table 23 Output Fields

    Field Name    Data Type      LengthDescription

    ACTION        CHAR (1)       1     Indicates record state.
                                       "M" indicates an insert or
                                       modify action. "D" indicates a
                                       delete action. "E" indicates
                                       stream end-of-file (EOF)
                                       when a callback routine is
                                       being used. "P" indicates
                                       a value from the command
                                       line Parameter qualifier
                                       when a callback routine is
                                       being used (see Parameter
                                       qualifier). "C" indicates
                                       transaction commit information
                                       when the Include=Action=Commit
                                       qualifier is specified.
    RELATION_     CHAR (31)      31    Table name. Space padded to 31
    NAME                               characters.
    RECORD_TYPE   INTEGER        4     The Oracle Rdb internal
                  (Longword)           relation identifier.
    DATA_LEN      SMALLINT       2     Length, in bytes, of the data
                  (Word)               record content.
    NBV_LEN       SMALLINT       2     Length, in bits, of the null
                  (Word)               bit vector content.
    DBK           BIGINT         8     Records logical database key.
                  (Quadword)           The database key is a 3-field
                                       structure containing a 16-
                                       bit line number, a 32-bit
                                       page number and a 16-bit area
    START_TAD     DATE VMS       8     Date-time of the start of the
                  (Quadword)           transaction.
    COMMIT_TAD    DATE VMS       8     Date-time of the commitment of
                  (Quadword)           the transaction.
    TSN           BIGINT         8     Transaction sequence number of
                  (Quadword)           the transaction that performed
                                       the record operation.
    RECORD_       SMALLINT       2     Record version.
    VERSION       (Word)
    Record Data   Varies               Actual data record field
    Record NBV    BIT VECTOR           Null bit vector. There is
                  (array of            one bit for each field in the
                  bits)                data record. If a bit value
                                       is 1, the corresponding field
                                       is NULL; if a bit value is
                                       0, the corresponding field
                                       is not NULL and contains an
                                       actual data value. The null
                                       bit vector begins on a byte
                                       boundary. Any extra bits in
                                       the final byte of the vector
                                       after the final null bit are

3  –  Record Definition Prefix

    An RMS file containing the record structure definition for the
    output file can be used as an input file to the RMU Load command
    if extracted data is to be loaded into an Oracle Rdb database.
    The record description uses the CDO record and field definition
    format (this is the format used by the RMU Load and RMU Unload
    commands when the Record_Definition qualifier is used). The
    default file extension is .rrd.

    The record definition for the fields that LogMiner for Rdb
    writes to the output is shown in the following example. These
    fields can be manually appended to a record definition file
    for the actual user data fields being unloaded. Alternately,
    the Record_Definition qualifier can be used with the Table
    qualifier or within an Options file to automatically create the
    record definition file. This can be used to load a transaction
    table within a database. A transaction table is the output that
    LogMiner for Rdb writes to a table consisting of sequential
    transactions performed in a database.


4  –  SQL Table Definition Prefix

    The SQL record definition for the fields that LogMiner for Rdb
    writes to the output is shown in the following example. These
    fields can be manually appended to the table creation command
    for the actual user data fields being unloaded. Alternately, the
    Table_Definition qualifier can be used with the Table qualifier
    or within an Options file to automatically create the SQL
    definition file. This can be used to create a transaction table
    of changed data.

    SQL> create table MYLOGTABLE (
    cont> RDB$LM_ACTION          CHAR,
    cont> RDB$LM_RELATION_NAME      CHAR (31),
    cont> RDB$LM_DATA_LEN        SMALLINT,
    cont> RDB$LM_NBV_LEN         SMALLINT,
    cont> RDB$LM_DBK             BIGINT,
    cont> RDB$LM_START_TAD       DATE VMS,
    cont> RDB$LM_COMMIT_TAD      DATE VMS,
    cont> RDB$LM_TSN             BIGINT,

5  –  Segmented String Columns

    Segmented string (also called BLOB or LIST OF BYTE VARYING)
    column data is not extracted. However, the field definition
    itself is extracted as a quadword integer representing the
    database key of the original segmented string data. In generated
    table definition or record definition files, a comment is added
    indicating that the segmented string data type is not supported
    by LogMiner for Rdb.

6  –  Maintenance

    Lengthy offline application or database maintenance operations
    can pose a significant problem in high-availability production
    environments. The LogMiner for Rdb feature can help reduce the
    length of downtime to a matter of minutes.

    If a back up of the database is used for maintenance operations,
    the application can continue to be modified during lengthy
    maintenance operations. Once the maintenance is complete,
    the application can be shut down, the production system .aij
    file or files can be backed up, and LogMiner for Rdb can be
    used to extract changes made to production tables since the
    database was backed up. These changes can then be applied (using
    an application program or the trigger technique previously
    described) to the new database. Once the new database has been
    updated, the application can be restarted using the new database.

    The sequence of events required would be similar to the

    1. Perform a full online, quiet-point database backup of the
       production database.

    2. Restore the backup to create a new database that will
       eventually become the production database.

    3. Perform maintenance operations on the new database. (Note that
       the production system continues to run.)

    4. Perform an online, quiet-point after-image journal backup of
       the production database.

    5. Use the RMU Unload After_Journal command to unload all
       database tables into individual output files from the .aij
       backup file.

    6. Using either the trigger technique or an application program,
       update the tables in the new database with the changed data.

    7. Shut down the production application and close the database.

    8. Perform an offline, quiet-point after-image journal backup of
       the production database.

    9. Use the RMU Unload After_Journal command to unload all
       database tables into individual output files from the .aij
       backup file.

   10. Using either the trigger technique or an application program,
       update the tables in the new database with the changed data.

   11. Start an online, quiet-point backup of the new database.

   12. Change logical names or the environment to specify the new
       database root file as the production database.

   13. Restart the application on the new database.

    Depending on the amount of application database activity, steps
    4, 5, and 6 can be repeated to limit the amount of data that
    needs to be applied (and the amount of downtime required) during
    the final after-image journal backup and apply stage in steps 8,
    9, and 10.

7  –  OpenVMS Pipe

    You can use an OpenVMS pipe to pass data from the RMU Unload
    After_Journal command to another application (for example,
    RMU Load). Do not use any options (such as the Log or Verify
    qualifiers) that could cause LogMiner to send extra output to the
    SYS$OUTPUT device, as that information would be part of the input
    data source stream to the next pipeline segment.

    You may find that the OpenVMS default size of the pipe is too
    small if the records being extracted (including LogMiner fields)
    are larger than 256 bytes. If the pipe is too small, increase
    the SYSGEN parameters MAXBUF and DEFMBXMXMSG, and then reboot the

    The following example uses LogMiner for Rdb to direct output
    to an OpenVMS pipe device and uses RMU Load to read the pipe
    device as the input data record stream. Using the pipeline allows
    parallel processing and also avoids the need for an intermediate
    disk file. Note that you must have created the record definition
    (.rrd) file prior to executing the command.

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