HELPLIB.HLB  —  RPC  rpccp  show_mapping
         show mapping - Shows the elements of either the local or
         remote endpoint map

         rpccp show mapping   [ host-address ]
         [ -i if-id   [ -v versions ]]


         -i Defines an interface identifier to be shown (optional).
            Only one interface can be shown in a single operation.
            If specified, only elements containing this interface
            identifier are shown.  The -i option can be qualified by
            the -v option. The value has the following form:


            The UUID is a hexadecimal string and the version numbers
            are decimal strings, for example:

            -i EC1EEB60-5943-11C9-A309-08002B102989,1.1

            Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

         -o Defines an object to be shown (optional).  Each show
            mapping command accepts up to 32 -o options.

            The UUID is a hexadecimal string, for example:

            -o 3C6B8F60-5945-11C9-A236-08002B102989

         -v Indicates how a specified interface version is used
            (optional).  If used without the -i option, the -v option
            is ignored.  The possible combinations of versions for
            the -v option and their actions are as follows:

            Versions     Action
            all          The interface version is ignored.

            exact        Both the major and minor versions
                         must match the specified versions.

            compatible   The major version must match the
                         specified version, and the minor
                         version must be greater than or
                         equal to the specified version.

            major_only   The major version must match the
                         specified version; the minor
                         version is ignored.

            upto         The major and minor versions must
                         be less than or equal to those

            If the -v option is absent, the command shows compatible
            version numbers.


                 The host-address argument is a string binding that
                 indicates where to find the target endpoint map.
                 When accessing the local endpoint map, you can
                 specify what protocol sequence to use (optional);

                 When accessing a remote endpoint map, you must
                 specify both a protocol sequence and a network
                 address for the remote system (required); for

                 An endpoint is unnecessary in local or remote host
                 addresses, and the remove mapping command ignores
                 any endpoint specified as part of a host address.


         The show mapping command shows elements of an endpoint map.
         Each element corresponds to an object UUID, interface
         identifier, annotation, and binding information. The binding
         information contains an RPC protocol sequence, a network
         address, and an endpoint within square brackets

         The endpoint map can be either the local endpoint map or the
         endpoint map of a specified remote host. If entered without
         a remote host address, the command accesses the local
         endpoint map. For the local endpoint map, a show mapping
         command without any options displays all the map elements.
         For a remote endpoint map, map elements are accessible only
         for protocol sequences that are supported on both your
         system and the remote system.

         Note:  To ensure that you can remotely display all
                map elements from every remote endpoint map,
                run the RPC control program on a system that
                supports all of the protocol sequences
                available in your network environment.

         The options list a selected subset of map elements. The - i
         option selects a specific interface, and the -v option
         qualifies the -i option. The -o object selects a specific
         object; you can use from 0 to 32 -o options per command. The
         options work together to specify the subset of elements for
         the target protocol sequence(s).


         The following commands start the control program and show
         the map elements in the local endpoint map that contain the
         specified interface identifier:

         $ rpccp
         rpccp> show mapping -i EC1EEB60-5943-11C9-A309-08002B102989,1.1

         The following rpccp show mapping command operates from the
         system prompt.  The command accesses the endpoint map of the
         remote host specified by the host address
         (ncadg_ip_udp: and displays the one map element
         that contains both the specified interface identifier and
         the specified object UUID:

         $ rpccp show mapping  \
         > -i EC1EEB60-5943-11C9-A309-08002B102989,1.1  \
         > -o 30DBEEA0-FB6C-11C9-8EEA-08002B0F4528  \
         > ncadg_ip_udp:
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