1    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default,
    the output of the SHOW PRINTER command is sent to the current
    SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output
    to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file

    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial
    file specification (for example, specifying only a directory),
    SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.


    Returns the USB printer ID string as a text string and displays
    it on your screen. This information appears at the end of the
    typical SHOW PRINTER command display.


    Returns the USB printer serial number as a text string and
    displays to the screen. The USB printer returns the serial number
    in Unicode format, and this is converted to ASCII text before
    being displayed.
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