MM    TOTAL    PROCESSOR       DIRECT   BUFFERED
                    RECORDS     TIME             I/O       I/O
               01      2043  19 06:52:40.97  532675222 551986091
               02      1767   9 00:14:34.00  183290432 420000532


      Without the /WIDE qualifier, the Direct I/O or Buffered I/O
      fields print ***** if the field overflows. With the /WIDE
      qualifier, these fields print correctly.


      Date / Time      Type     Subtype     Username      ID     Source   Status
  3-FEB-2011 19:03:59 PROCESS INTERACTIVE SYSTEM       00001314 MBA9997:  00002BD4
  3-FEB-2011 19:03:59 PROCESS INTERACTIVE SYSTEM       00001315 MBA10000: 00002BD4
  3-FEB-2011 19:03:59 PROCESS INTERACTIVE SYSTEM       00001316 MBA10003: 00002BD4

      If the /WIDE qualifier is not in conjunction with /BRIEF qualifier,
      the ":" in the SOURCE field is not displayed when the number
      of characters in the field exceeds 8 characters. With the /WIDE
      qualifier, it displays the complete SOURCE field for large devices.
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