Oracle CDD/Repository is an active, distributed repository system that
allows users to organize, manage, control, and integrate tools and
applications across an entire enterprise.
A repository is a central location where elements can be defined,
stored, and shared. Elements correspond to various entities involved
in a project. These include data definitions, models, files, reports,
databases, tools, and system configurations. Oracle CDD/Repository
allows you to manage these entities throughout the system life cycle
and across multiple applications.
Elements also correspond to structures that support an integrated
computing environment. These structures further configuration
management, project management, system building, file management, and
tool integrations. Oracle CDD/Repository allows you to organize and
manage the environment for maximum efficiency and reporting.
Oracle CDD/Repository provides full access to the capabilities of
previous versions of CDD/Plus and includes the following capabilities:
o Extensible object-oriented information model
The information model is implemented as an element type hierarchy
that specifies both the relationship of elements and their
definitions. You can extend the element type hierarchy to
incorporate new schema information as needed.
o Project support
Oracle CDD/Repository includes functionality that furthers
configuration management, project management, system building, file
management, and tool integration.
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