A file description entry describes the physical structure, identification, record names, and names for sequential, relative, indexed, and report files. It also specifies: (1) the internal or external attributes of a file connector, and (2) the local or global attributes of a file-name. Format 3 - Indexed File FD file-name [IS EXTERNAL] [IS GLOBAL] [BLOCK CONTAINS [smallest-block TO] blocksize { RECORDS }] [ { CHARACTERS }] [RECORD { CONTAINS [shortest-rec TO] longest-rec CHARACTERS }] [ { IS VARYING IN SIZE [FROM shortest-rec] [ TO longest-rec ] CHARACTERS [ DEPENDING ON depending-item ] }] [LABEL { RECORDS ARE } { STANDARD } ] [ { RECORD IS } { OMITTED } ] [VALUE OF ID IS file-spec] [DATA { RECORDS ARE } {rec-name} ... ] [ { RECORD IS } ] [ { SEQUENTIAL }] [ACCESS MODE IS { RANDOM }] [ { DYNAMIC }] [RECORD KEY IS { rec-key | seg-key = {seg}... } ] [ [WITH DUPLICATES] [ASCENDING ] ] [ [DESCENDING] ] [ALTERNATE RECORD KEY IS { alt-key | seg-key = {seg}... } ] [ [WITH DUPLICATES] [ASCENDING ] ] [ [DESCENDING] ] ... [FILE STATUS IS file-stat] .