HELPLIB.HLB  —  COBOL  PROCEDURE_DIVISION, ACCEPT  5format_screen_section_extensions
  The ACCEPT statement makes low-volume data available to the program.
  The HP extensions to the ACCEPT statement (formats 3, 4 and 5) are
  COBOL language additions that facilitate video forms design and data

  Format 5 -

   ACCEPT screen-name

      [    {| LINE NUMBER { line-num }     |} ]
      [    {|             { line-id  }     |} ]
      [ AT {|                              |} ]
      [    {| COLUMN NUMBER { column-num } |} ]
      [    {|               { column-id  } |} ]

      [ ON EXCEPTION stment ]

      [ NOT ON EXCEPTION stment2 ]

      [ END-ACCEPT ]
Additional Information: explode extract

line-num line-id
column-num column-id
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