  /NOCONVERT        (D)

  Instructs the compiler to perform certain conversions to
  your data.

  You can select the following option:

  [NO]LEADING_BLANKS      Controls whether or not the compiler
                          changes blanks to zeros in
                          numeric display items.

  Specifying /CONVERT=LEADING_BLANKS instructs the compiler to check
  for and change blanks to zeros in numeric display items.

  Specify /CONVERT=LEADING_BLANKS, if you are using a non-VAX system,
  to convert your existing COBOL programs to run on an OpenVMS Alpha
  or I64 system by changing blanks in the data to zeros at run time.

  Specifying /CONVERT=LEADING_BLANKS produces extra instructions to
  perform these data conversions, which may result in slightly larger
  images and slightly longer execution times than the /NOCONVERT

  The default is /NOCONVERT.
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