  /NOFLAGGER              (D)

  Allows you to specify a FIPS level of COBOL syntax, in accordance
  with the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 21-3
  (FIPS-PUB 21-3) issued by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards,
  beyond which the compiler generates informational messages.  To
  receive these informational messages, you must also specify
  when you know that your target system's compiler has a low level of
  FIPS syntax support.

  The following table shows the required functional processing modules
  and the optional modules supported by VSI COBOL. The table also shows
  the COBOL subsets that correspond to the FIPS levels of Minimum,
  Intermediate, and High. The levels numbers (0, 1, and 2) correspond
  to the levels indicated in the 1985 ANSI COBOL standard.

                                             COBOL Subsets
                                 Minimum     Intermediate     High
   Required Modules

   Nucleus                           1              1            2
   Sequential I-O                    1              1            2
   Relative I-O                      0              1            2
   Indexed I-O                       0              1            2
   Interprogram Communication        1              1            2
   Sort-merge                        0              1            1
   Source Text Manipulation          0              1            2

   Optional Modules
   Report Writer              --, or 1       --, or 1     --, or 1
   Segmentation               --, 1, or 2    --, 1, or 2  --, 1, or 2
   Table Legend:

   0---Null level (the module is not included in the subset)
   1---First nonnull level
   2---Second nonnull level

  When you use the /FLAGGER qualifier with its options, you receive
  informational messages for syntax in the source program as follows:

      a.  Not within the FIPS validation level you selected
      b.  Within the optional module you selected
      c.  For obsolete language elements as defined by the ANSI 1985
          standard for the COBOL language
      d.  For HP extensions to the COBOL language

  You can select one or more of the following options:

  HIGH_FIPS            Flags language constructs that are above
                       the FIPS high validation level, such as
                       HP extensions to ANSI COBOL.

  INTERMEDIATE_FIPS    Flags language constructs that are above
                       the FIPS intermediate validation level,
                       such as language constructs that are
                       within the FIPS high validation level or
                       HP extensions to ANSI COBOL.

  MINIMUM_FIPS         Flags language constructs that are above
                       the FIPS minimum validation level, such
                       as language constructs that are within
                       the FIPS high and intermediate validation
                       levels or HP extensions to ANSI COBOL.

  OBSOLETE             Flags language constructs that the ANSI
                       1985 COBOL Standard identifies as obsolete.
                       If a language construct is within the
                       selected FIPS validation level or optional
                       module and is also on the obsolete list,
                       the compiler generates only the obsolete
                       informational message.

  OPTIONAL_FIPS        Flags language constructs that are within
                       FIPS optional modules, including Report
                       Writer and Segmentation.

  REPORT_WRITER        A subset of OPTIONAL_FIPS that flags
                       language constructs that are within the
                       FIPS optional module Report Writer.

  SEGMENTATION         A subset of OPTIONAL_FIPS that flags
                       language constructs that are within the
                       FIPS optional module Segmentation.

  SEGMENTATION_1       A subset of OPTIONAL_FIPS that flags
                       language constructs that are above the
                       level 1 of the FIPS optional module

  You can use any combination of qualifier options.  If you specify
  more than one validation level, the compiler uses the lowest level.
  If you use the /FLAGGER qualifier without specifying a FIPS level
  and with another option, the compiler assumes /FLAGGER=HIGH_FIPS.

  You cannot specify the /FLAGGER qualifier with the /STANDARD=V3

  The default is /NOFLAGGER.

  For additional information about the required and optional modules
  for the COBOL language, refer to the American National Standard
  Programming Language - COBOL, ANSI X3.23-1895, ISO 1989-1985.  For
  more information about the FIPS validation levels, see Federal
  Information Processing Standards Publication 21-3.
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