NAME pthread_equal - Compares one thread identifier to another thread identifier. SYNOPSIS #include <pthread.h> equal = pthread_equal( pthread_t *thread1, pthread_t thread2 ); PARAMETERS thread1 The first thread identifier to be compared. thread2 The second thread identifier to be compared. DESCRIPTION This routine compares one thread identifier to another thread identi- -fier.(This routine does not check whether the objects that corres- -pond to the identifiers currently exist.) If the identifiers have values indicating that they designate the same object, 1 (true) is returned. If the values do not designate the same object, 0 (false) is returned. This routine is implemented as a C macro. RETURN VALUES Possible return values are as follows: Return Error Description __________________________________________________ 0 Values of thread1 and thread2 do not designate the same object. 1 Values of thread1 and thread2 designate the same object. EXAMPLES equal = pthread_equal (thread1, thread2) RELATED INFORMATION FUNCTIONS: pthread_create