HELPLIB.HLB  —  FORTRAN  Data  Expressions
  An expression represents either a data reference or a computation,
  and is formed from operators, operands, and parentheses.  The
  result of an expression is either a scalar value or an array of
  scalar values.

  If the value of an expression is of intrinsic type, it has a kind
  type parameter.  (If the value is of intrinsic type CHARACTER, it
  also has a length parameter.) If the value of an expression is of
  derived type, it has no kind type parameter.

  An operand is a scalar or array.  An operator can be either
  intrinsic or defined.  An intrinsic operator is known to the
  compiler and is always available to any program unit.  A defined
  operator is described explicitly by a user in a function subprogram
  and is available to each program unit that uses the subprogram.

  The simplest form of an expression (a primary) can be any of the

   o  A constant; for example, 4.2

   o  A subobject of a constant; for example, 'LMNOP'(2:4)

   o  A variable; for example, VAR1

   o  A structure constructor; for example, EMPLOYEE(3472, "JOHN

   o  An array constructor; for example, (/12.0,16.0/)

   o  A function reference; for example, COS(X)

   o  Another expression in parentheses; for example, (I+5)

  Any variable or function reference used as an operand in an
  expression must be defined at the time the reference is executed.
  If the operand is a pointer, it must be associated with a target
  object that is defined.  An integer operand must be defined with an
  integer value rather than a statement label value.  All of the
  characters in a character data object reference must be defined.

  When a reference to an array or an array section is made, all of
  the selected elements must be defined.  When a structure is
  referenced, all of the components must be defined.

  In an expression that has intrinsic operators with an array as an
  operand, the operation is performed on each element of the array.
  In expressions with more than one array operand, the arrays must be
  conformable (they must have the same shape).  The operation is
  applied to corresponding elements of the arrays, and the result is
  an array of the same shape (the same rank and extents) as the

  In an expression that has intrinsic operators with a pointer as an
  operand, the operation is performed on the value of the target
  associated with the pointer.

  For defined operators, operations on arrays and pointers are
  determined by the procedure defining the operation.

  A scalar is conformable with any array.  If one operand of an
  expression is an array and another operand is a scalar, it is as if
  the value of the scalar were replicated to form an array of the
  same shape as the array operand.  The result is an array of the
  same shape as the array operand.

  The ranking assigned to each numeric intrinsic data type follows:

    Data Type                    Ranking
    ---------                    -------
    LOGICAL*1 and BYTE            lowest
    LOGICAL*2                       .
    LOGICAL*4                       .
    LOGICAL*8                       .
    INTEGER*1                       .
    INTEGER*2                       .
    INTEGER*4                       .
    INTEGER*8                       .
    REAL (REAL*4)                   .
    REAL*16                         .
    COMPLEX (COMPLEX*8)             .
    COMPLEX*32                   highest
Additional Information: explode extract
Numeric Character Defined Operations Initialization Logical Operator Precedence Relational Specification
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