The KeyCapture subcommands are:
ATTACH - Attach to another process in you job.
EXIT - Exit interactive KeyCapture prompting.
FORMAT - Format a log file.
HELP - Access on-line KeyCapture help.
LICENSE - Enter Product Authorization Key.
NODE_NAME_CHANGE - Update licensed nodename after a nodename change.
NOTRACK - End KeyCapture logging.
QUIT - Exit interactive KeyCapture prompting.
RT_ENABLE - (VAX-Only) Enable VAX KeyCapture on an RTA unit.
SHOW - Show various KeyCapture data.
SHUTDOWN - Shut down KeyCapture - Only use from KCAP_SHUTDOWN.COM.
SPAWN - Spawn a subprocess.
TRACK - Start KeyCapture logging.
As shipped, subcommands may be used as verbs during interactive
KeyCapture command prompting (e.g. KCAP> TRACK), but subcommands
must be entered as qualifiers when used as part of a single-line
DCL command (e.g. $ KCAP/TRACK). This default behavior can be
changed. See the KeyCapture Commands Subtopic: /COMMAND_MODE.
Additional Information: