The /COMMAND_MODE qualifier can be used to force command-mode. After entering the /COMMAND_MODE qualifier, you will not need to use a slash on the command line, but can enter the various subcommands as verbs. You can force command-mode syntax, even for single-line DCL KeyCapture commands by changing the KeyCapture foreign command definitions to include the /COMMAND_MODE qualifier. Change the DCL definitions of the KCAP symbol from: (The _Vx should be replaced with _V5 or _V6 or _V7.) $ KCAP :== $ KCAP$LOCATION:KCAP_Vx to $ KCAP :== $ KCAP$LOCATION:KCAP_Vx/COMMNAD_MODE Once the KCAP symbol is so defined, KeyCapture subcommands may be used as verbs in single-line DCL commands. Example: $ KCAP TRACK ! Instead of $ KCAP /TRACK. $ KCAP SHOW ! Instead of $ KCAP /SHOW.