$ PEEK/SHOW ALLOWS PEEK> SHOW ALLOWS Displays the list of identifiers and usernames which you have allowed to watch your process with the ALLOW subcommand. (For more information about the PEEK ALLOW subcommand, see the top-level PEEK Subtopic: Commands ALLOW.) The display also tell you whether or not permission to watch was granted on a once-only basis or as many times as desired, and whether bypassing output or keyboard control were disallowed for the ALLOWed users. This command will also display any hot-key sequences which have been defined for use while you are being watched by another. The /SINGLE_WINDOW qualifier is used in conjuction with NDC's MultiSessions product to show information for either the MS Server process or for just the single NDC-terminal window which issues the SHOW command. See the PEEK Commands SHOW Subtopic: /SINGLE_WINDOW. Format: $ PEEK/SHOW ALLOWS PEEK> SHOW ALLOWS