HELPLIB.HLB  —  PEEK  Full Initial Screen Display, VAX
     For the VAX screen-saving is done as follows:

       A) Install MultiSessions from the same distribution tape as PEEK
          was shipped on. See the quick installation sheet for that
          product or use the following command:

               $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MS MSA0:

       B) Start MultiSessions, using the following command:


       C) For each user for whom you wish to save his screen contents,
          issue the following commands in his LOGIN.COM command file:

          $ MS*UTIL :== $ MS$LOCATION:MSUTIL_V5
            (or MSUTIL_V4 If you are using VMS version 4)

          These same commands may be added to the SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM
          file instead, if you wish to save the screens for everybody.

   If a user is already using MultiSessions, these steps should be
   skipped as Peek/Spy will already be able to display his initial
   screen contents.

   Note that the PEEK_ONLY mode of starting MultiSessions does NOT allow
   the user to create extra sessions, or allow him to print his screen.
   It merely saves his screen for Peek/Spy to display when you first
   start watching his terminal. PEEK_ONLY may be issued by licensed users
   of Peek/Spy without having to receive any extra license keys for
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