This qualifier is for use with the PERMIT_INPUT and REQUEST_INPUT hot-keys which temporarily grant keyboard control to a watcher who would not otherwise be able to have it. (See the PEEK Watching Subtopics: /PERMIT_INPUT and /REQUEST_INPUT.) When a watcher has been permitted temporary keyboard control, this qualifier determines whether or not the bell is rung on the terminal of the person being watched when he tries to type after control of his keyboard has been taken over (and PSIMUL_INPUT has not been specified). As with NOBEEP, when the user being watched does not have keyboard control, his keyboard will just appear to "go dead" instead of beeping when he tries to type. The logical WATCHER$PNOBEEP specifies the default value for this qualifier. /PNOBEEP is provided in addition to /NOBEEP to make it possible to have a different nobeep value which applies only when one is a permitted-input watcher.