/[NO]PSIMUL_INPUT This qualifier is for use with the PERMIT_INPUT and REQUEST_INPUT hot-keys which temporarily grant keyboard control to a watcher who would not otherwise have it. (See the PEEK Watching Subtopics: /PERMIT_INPUT and /REQUEST_INPUT.) When a watcher has been permitted temporary keyboard control, the /PSIMUL_INPUT qualifier specifies whether or not both the watcher and watchee will be able to enter keyboard input to the user's process simultaneously, without having to use the TOGGLE_INPUT hot-key. The logical WATCHER$PSIMUL_INPUT specifies the default value. When simultaneous input is allowed, the TOGGLE_INPUT hot-key will have no effect on the user being watched. TOGGLE_INPUT's by the watcher will just enable/disable his own keyboard input. The watcher starts with keyboard input enabled when simultaneous input is in effect. The logical WATCHER$PSIMUL specifies the default value for this qualifier. For examples see /SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT. /PSIMUL_INPUT is provided in addition to /SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT to make it possible to have a different simultaneous value which applies only when one is a permitted-input watcher.