/[NO]SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT Specifying /SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT allows both the watcher and the watchee to enter keyboard input to the watchee's process at the same time without having to switch back and forth by using the TOGGLE_INPUT hot-key. The logical WATCHER$SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT specifies the default value. When simultaneous input is in effect, the TOGGLE_INPUT hot-key will have no effect on the user being watched. TOGGLE_INPUT's by the watcher will just enable/disable his own keyboard input. The watcher starts with keyboard input enabled when simultaneous input is in effect. NOTE: There is a licensing option which will prevent the watcher from ever providing input to the user's terminal, for use in banking and other high-security environments. Thus if the SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT feature appears not to work for your site, you should check to see if your license specifies NOKB_CONTROL. Example 1: $ PEEK JONES /SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT or $ DEFINE WATCHER$SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT TRUE $ PEEK JONES This will allow both the watcher and the user being watched (JONES) to be able to do keyboard input at the same time. Example 2: $ PEEK JONES /NOSIMULTANEOUS_INPUT or $ DEFINE WATCHER$SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT FALSE $ PEEK JONES This will allow only one of either the watcher or the user being watched (JONES) to be able to do keyboard input. They must take turns typing by using the TOGGLE_INPUT hot-key sequence.