HELPLIB.HLB  —  RMU72  Analyze  Placement  Command Qualifiers, Areas

    Specifies the storage areas to be analyzed. You can specify each
    storage area by name or by the area's ID number.

    If you are interested in the placement information for a
    particular index, specify the area where the data resides, not
    where the index resides. For example, if you are interested in
    the placement information for the SH_EMPLOYEE_ID index of the
    mf_personnel database, you should specify SALARY_HISTORY as the
    storage area (which is where the data resides), not RDB$SYSTEM
    (which is where the index resides).

    If you do not specify the Areas qualifier, or if you specify
    the Areas qualifier but do not provide a storage-area-list,
    information for all the storage areas is displayed.

    If you specify more than one storage area, separate the storage
    area names or ID numbers in the storage-area-list with a comma
    and enclose the list within parentheses.

    If you specify more than one storage area with the Areas
    qualifier, the analysis Oracle RMU provides is a summary for
    all the specified areas. The analysis is not broken out into
    separate sections for each specified storage area. To get index
    information for a specific storage area, issue the RMU Analyze
    Placement command, specifying only that area with the Areas

    The Areas qualifier can be used with an indirect file reference.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.

    The Areas qualifier (without a storage-area-list) is the default.
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