Label=(label-name-list) Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes of the backup file have been labeled. The Label qualifier is applicable only to tape volumes. You must specify one or more label names when you use the Label qualifier. You can specify a list of tape labels for multiple tapes. If you list multiple tape label names, separate the names with commas, and enclose the list of names within parentheses. In a normal dump backup operation, the Label qualifier you specify with the RMU Dump Backup_File command should be the same Label qualifier as you specified with the RMU Backup command that backed up your database. If no label is specified, the system will internally generate one consisting of the first six characters in the backup-file-spec parameter. See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for information on tape label processing. The Label qualifier can be used with indirect file references. See Indirect-Command-Files for more information.