Header Noheader Header[=(detail-opt, type-opts)] Indicates whether to include the database header in the output. Specify the Header qualifier to include all database header information in the output. Specify the Noheader qualifier to suppress the database header listing. Specify the Header=(detail- opt, type-opts) qualifier to limit the output from the header to specific items of interest. Use the detail-opt options (Brief or Detail) to limit the amount of output. Use the type-opt options to limit the output to specific types of information. RMU Dump Command Header Options summarizes the Header options and the effects of specifying each option. Table 8 RMU Dump Command Header Options Option Effect All Generates the full output of all the header information. If you specify this option and other Header options, the other options are ignored. This is the default option. Areas Output displays information about active storage areas and snapshot areas. Backup Output displays information about backup and recovery. Brief Generates a summary of the requested database root file information. Buffers Output displays information about database buffers. Corrupt_Page Output displays the Corrupt Page Table (CPT). Detail Generates a complete report of the requested database root file information. This is the default. Fast_Commit Output displays information about whether fast commit is enabled or disabled, whether commit to AIJ optimization is enabled or disabled, the AIJ checkpointing intervals, and the transaction interval. Hot_Standby Output displays information regarding hot standby databases. Locking Output displays information about database locking, such as whether or not adjustable record locking, carry-over lock optimization, and lock tree partitioning are enabled or disabled, and fanout factors. Journaling Output displays information about RUJ and AIJ journaling. Nodes Output displays names of nodes that are accessing the specified database. Parameters Output displays basic root file header information. Root_Record Output describes the Oracle Rdb specific section of the database root. This includes backup, restore, verify, and alter timestamps, as well as flags that indicate that no such operation has been performed. The bootstrap DBKEY is used to locate the RDB$DATABASE row for this database, and then the other system tables. If an alternate bootstrap DBKEY exists, then this database has been converted using RMU Convert Nocommit command. In this case, the current metadata version is displayed. Row_Caches Output displays information about row caches. Security_Audit Output displays information about security auditing. Sequence_Numbers Output displays database sequence numbers. Users Output displays information about active database users. If you specify both the Detail option and the Brief option, Detail takes precedence. If you specify the All option and other detail-opt options, the All option takes precedence. If you specify the Brief option or the Detail option only, the default for the type-opt is All. If you specify type-opts options, but do not specify a detail-opt option, the default for the detail-opt is Detail. If you specify more than one option, separate the options with commas and enclose the list within parentheses. See the Usage_Notes help entry under this command for information on understanding the derived values found in the database header. The Header=All and Header=Root_Record qualifiers output information on the use of the RMU Alter command on the specified database. For example, you see the following line in the output if you have never used the RMU Alter command on the database: Database has never been altered Do not confuse this with alterations made by SQL ALTER statements. Information about alterations made with the SQL ALTER statement is not included in the output from the RMU Dump command. If you specify the Areas, Lareas, or Snapshots qualifier, the Noheader qualifier is the default. Otherwise, Header=(All, Detail) is the default. It is invalid to specify the Header=Root_Record and the Option=Debug qualifiers in the same Oracle RMU command line. See the Oracle Rdb7 and Oracle CODASYL DBMS: Guide to Hot Standby Databases manual for information about the "Hot Standby" references in the database header. For complete information on the contents of the database header, see the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance.