HELPLIB.HLB  —  RMU72  Hot Standby, Replicate After Journal Commands, Configure  Command Qualifiers, Synchronization

    Specifies the degree to which you want to synchronize committed
    transactions on the standby database with committed transactions
    on the master database.

    Applicable to:              Master database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Synchronization=Cold

    When you enable replication operations, server processes on the
    master database write transactions to the after-image journal
    for the master database and send them across the network to
    the after-image journal for the standby database. The standby
    database acknowledges the receipt of the transactional message
    and handles after-image journaling depending on the mode you
    have set with the Synchronization qualifier. The following table
    describes the keywords you use to set the synchronization mode.

    Table 25 Keywords for the Synchronization Qualifier

             Equivalence        on
             of Committed       Master   Standby Database
    Keyword  Transactions       Database Recoverability

    Commit   When the standby   Highest  The standby database is
             database                    transactionally identical
             receives the                and recoverable with respect
             AIJ information             to the master database.
             from the master
             database, the
             servers on the
             standby database:

             1. Write it to
                the after-
                image journal
                on the standby

             2. Apply the AIJ
                to the standby

             3. Send a message
                back to
                the master
                the successful
                commit of the

    Hot      When the standby   High     The standby database is
             database                    extremely close to being
             receives the                transactionally identical to
             AIJ information             the master database.
             from the master
             database, the               After-image journal records
             servers on the              in transit are received
             standby database:           and committed. Some restart
                                         processing may be required
             1. Write it to              to synchronize the database.
                the AIJ on the
                standby system

             2. Send a message
                back to
                the master
                applying the
                to the standby

    Warm     When the standby   Medium   The standby database is
             database                    transactionally close to
             receives the                the master database, but the
             AIJ information             databases are not identical.
             from the master
             database, the               There may be transactions
             servers on the              rolled back on the standby
             standby database:           database that have been
                                         committed on the master
             o  Send a message           database.
                back to
                the master
                applying the
                transaction to
                either the AIJ
                or the standby

             o  Might not
                commit after-
                image journal
                records to the

    Cold     When the standby   Low      The standby database is
    (de-     database                    not immediately recoverable
    fault)   receives the                transactionally with respect
             AIJ information             to the master database.
             from the master
             database:                   After-image journal records
                                         in transit could be lost.
             o  The servers
                never return
                a message
                the receipt
                of the AIJ

             o  In failover
                it is
                possible that
                rolled back
                on the standby
                database were
                committed on
                the master

    For each level of database synchronization, you make a trade-off
    between how closely the standby and master databases match each
    other in regard to committed transactions against performance.

    For example, the Synchronization=Cold level provides the fastest
    performance for the master database, but the lowest level of
    master and standby database synchronization. However, in some
    business environments, this trade-off might be acceptable. In
    such an environment, the speed of master database performance
    outweighs the risk of losing recent transactions in the event of
    failover; system throughput has greater financial importance and
    impact than the value of individual aij records (transactions).
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