HELPLIB.HLB  —  RMU72  Optimize  Command Qualifiers, Format

    The Format qualifier allows you to specify the format of the
    files written by the RMU Optimize After_Journal command.

    If you specify the default, Format=Old_File, the RMU Optimize
    After_Journal command writes files in RMS format. This format is
    provided for compatibility with prior versions of Oracle Rdb. If
    you specify Format=Old_File, you must mount the media by using
    the DCL MOUNT command before you issue the RMU Optimize After_
    Journal command. Because the RMU Optimize After_Journal command
    will use RMS to write to the tape, the tape must be mounted as
    an OpenVMS volume (that is, do not specify the /FOREIGN qualifier
    with the MOUNT command).

    If you specify FOREIGN access although your backup file was
    created using the Format=Old_File qualifier, you will not receive
    an error message. The tape will be considered unlabeled, and
    thus the operation will process whatever data is at the current
    position of the tape (labels, data, or something else). A
    failure will occur, but what will fail and how it will fail is
    unpredictable because the type of information that will be read
    is unknown. The result is an unlabeled tape that can be difficult
    to use for recovery operations.

    If you specify Format=New_Tape, the RMU Optimize After_Journal
    command writes .aij files in a format similar to that used by
    an RMU Backup command. If you specify Format=New_Tape, you must
    mount the media by using the DCL MOUNT command before you issue
    the RMU Optimize After_Journal command. The tape must be mounted
    as a FOREIGN volume.

    The following tape qualifiers have meaning only when used in
    conjunction with the Format=New_Tape qualifier:


    Follow these steps when you optimize an .aij file to tape:

    1. Use the RMU Backup After_Journal command with the Format=Old_
       File qualifier to back up the .aij file to disk.

    2. Use the RMU Optimize After_Journal command with the
       Format=New_Tape qualifier to optimize the backed up .aij file
       to tape.

    3. Use the DCL BACKUP command to create a copy of the backed up
       .aij file as insurance.

    If you enter the RMU Optimize After_Journal command with no
    Format qualifier, the default is Format=Old_File.
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