Allows you to do any of the following with respect to after-image
journal (.aij) files:
o Enable or disable after-image journaling.
o Alter an .aij file (occurs only if .aij file is re-created).
o Add, drop, modify, or reserve .aij files.
o Suppress the use of an .aij file.
o Add AIJ caches.
o Set the initial .aij file allocation.
o Set the .aij file extent (for extensible journals).
o Enable or disable .aij file overwriting.
o Send OpenVMS operator communication manager (OPCOM) messages
when specific after-image journal events occur.
o Set the shutdown timeout period.
Prior to Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, the ability to alter an
.aij file name was provided through the RdbALTER DEPOSIT
ROOT command. Beginning with Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, the
RdbALTER DEPOSIT ROOT command no longer provides this
capability; use the Alter qualifier with the RMU Set After_
Journal command instead.
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