HELPLIB.HLB  —  RMU72  Set  After Journal, Usage Notes
    o  You must have the RMU$ALTER, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$RESTORE
       privilege in the root file access control list (ACL) for the
       database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege to use the
       RMU Set After_Journal command.

    o  Use the RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier to see if
       after-image journaling additions or changes you have made have
       been recorded as you expect. However, note that although the
       AIJ attributes change as you specify, the changed .aij file
       might be flagged as unmodified in the dump of the header. This
       occurs because the transaction containing your changes to the
       .aij file is captured in the current .aij file, not the .aij
       file for which you specified modifications.

    o  When you use RMU Set After_Journal to specify a fixed-size
       journal configuration, specify a different disk for each
       .aij file, if possible. Using this method, you can suppress
       a journal on a given disk if that disk should start to fail.

    o  If the disk fails on which the current .aij file resides,
       Oracle Rdb immediately starts using a new .aij file if your
       journal configuration contains more than one journal. For
       example, if AIJ_DISK1 contains AIJ_ONE, the current .aij file,
       and AIJ_DISK1 fails, Oracle Rdb will immediately start using
       AIJ_TWO, the .aij file on AIJ_DISK2.

    o  Execute a full database backup operation after issuing an RMU
       Set After_Journal command that displays the RMU-W-DOFULLBCK
       warning message (such as a command that includes the Reserve
       or the Enable qualifier).

    o  Use the Alter qualifier to unsuppress an .aij file that has
       been suppressed with the Suppress qualifier.

    o  Use the Backup=(Quiet_Point) qualifier to specify that the
       quiet-point lock must be acquired prior to performing an
       .aij backup operation for the specified database. (Use the
       Backup=(Noquiet_Point) qualifier to specify that the quiet-
       point lock will not be acquired prior to an .aij backup
       operation for the specified database.)

    o  Use the RDM$BIND_ABS_QUIET_POINT logical to specify whether or
       not the quiet-point lock must be acquired prior to performing
       any .aij backup operation on any database on a cluster.

       Define the value for the logical to be 1 to specify that the
       quiet-point lock must be acquired prior to performing .aij
       backup operations; define the value to be 0 to specify that
       the quiet-point lock need not be acquired prior to .aij backup
       operations. You must define this logical in the system table
       on all nodes in the cluster as shown in the following example:


    o  The selection of which journal in a set of fixed-size journal
       files is used by Oracle RMU is unpredictable and depends on
       availability. For example, while a journal is temporarily
       unavailable, it cannot be selected as the next journal file.
       Thus, a journal file might be reused before all journals in
       the set have been used once.
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