Options=(option-list) Indicates the type of information and the level of detail the output will include. If you do not specify the Options qualifier, the default output is displayed. If you specify more than one type of output for the Options qualifier, you must separate the options with a comma, and enclose the options list within parentheses. The following options are available: o All Used when you want the complete list of process locks; by default, lock information for only the specified process is displayed. When you specify the All option, information is displayed for all other processes that have a need to know the lock held by the specific process. This method is an easy way to display all of a process' locks and to see what other processes are also using the same resource. If the Mode qualifier is specified, the Options=(All) qualifier is ignored. o Full Indicates that special database processes are to be displayed. Some special database processes, such as monitors, perform work on behalf of a database. These database processes frequently request locks that by design conflict with other processes' locks; the granting of these locks indicates an important database event. By default, these special database processes are not displayed because they increase the size of the output.