Debug_Options={options} The Debug_Options qualifier allows you to turn on certain debug functions. The Debug_Options qualifier accepts the following options: o [NO]TRACE Traces the qualifier and parameter processing performed by RMU Unload. In addition, the query executed to read the table data is annotated with the TRACE statement at each Commit (controlled by Commit_Every qualifier). When the logical name RDMS$SET_FLAGS is defined as "TRACE", then a line similar to the following is output after each commit is performed. ~Xt: 2009-04-23 15:16:16.95: Commit executed. The default is NOTRACE. $RMU/UNLOAD/REC=(FILE=WS,FORMAT=CONTROL) SQL$DATABASE WORK_STATUS WS/DEBUG=TRACE Debug = TRACE * Synonyms are not enabled Row_Count = 500 Message buffer: Len: 13524 Message buffer: Sze: 27, Cnt: 500, Use: 4 Flg: 00000000 %RMU-I-DATRECUNL, 3 data records unloaded. o [NO]FILENAME_ONLY When the qualifier Record_Definition=Format:CONTROL is used, the name of the created unload file is written to the control file (.CTL). When the keyword FILENAME_ONLY is specified, RMU Unload will prune the output file specification to show only the file name and type. The default is NOFILENAME_ONLY. $RMU/UNLOAD/REC=(FILE=TT:,FORMAT=CONTROL) SQL$DATABASE WORK_STATUS WS/DEBUG= FILENAME -- -- SQL*Loader Control File -- Generated by: RMU/UNLOAD -- Version: Oracle Rdb X7.2-00 -- On: 23-APR-2009 11:12:46.29 -- LOAD DATA INFILE 'WS.UNL' APPEND INTO TABLE "WORK_STATUS" ( STATUS_CODE POSITION(1:1) CHAR NULLIF (RDB$UL_NB1 = '1') ,STATUS_NAME POSITION(2:9) CHAR NULLIF (RDB$UL_NB2 = '1') ,STATUS_TYPE POSITION(10:23) CHAR NULLIF (RDB$UL_NB3 = '1') -- NULL indicators ,RDB$UL_NB1 FILLER POSITION(24:24) CHAR -- indicator for STATUS_CODE ,RDB$UL_NB2 FILLER POSITION(25:25) CHAR -- indicator for STATUS_NAME ,RDB$UL_NB3 FILLER POSITION(26:26) CHAR -- indicator for STATUS_TYPE ) %RMU-I-DATRECUNL, 3 data records unloaded. o [NO]HEADER This keyword controls the output of the header in the control file. To suppress the header use NOHEADER. The default is HEADER. o APPEND, INSERT, REPLACE, TRUNCATE These keywords control the text that is output prior to the INTO TABLE clause in the control file. The default is APPEND, and only one of these options can be specified.