Example 1: Calling an SQL module procedure from a Pascal program The following example is a Pascal program that calls a procedure in an SQL module file: PROGRAM list_employees(OUTPUT); { Program to list employees' names whose last name matches a LIKE predicate. Note the following: 1) The input parameter (like_string) to the SELECT expression in the DECLARE CURSOR is supplied on the OPEN_CURSOR call. 2) The output parameters are returned on each FETCH_INTO call. 3) The cursor is closed after the desired rows are processed, so that it will be positioned properly in subsequent operations. } TYPE LAST_NAME = PACKED ARRAY[1..14] OF CHAR; FIRST_NAME = PACKED ARRAY[1..10] OF CHAR; VAR { Variable data } sqlcode : INTEGER := 0; emp_last : LAST_NAME; emp_first: FIRST_NAME; like_string : LAST_NAME := 'T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'; { Declarations of entry points in the SQL module } PROCEDURE SET_TRANS (VAR sqlcode : INTEGER); EXTERNAL; PROCEDURE OPEN_CURSOR (VAR sqlcode: INTEGER; name : LAST_NAME); EXTERNAL; PROCEDURE FETCH_INTO (VAR sqlcode : INTEGER; VAR last : LAST_NAME; VAR first : FIRST_NAME); EXTERNAL; PROCEDURE CLOSE_CURSOR (VAR sqlcode : INTEGER); EXTERNAL; PROCEDURE ROLLBACK_TRANS (VAR sqlcode : INTEGER); EXTERNAL; BEGIN SET_TRANS (sqlcode); { Start a read-only transaction.} OPEN_CURSOR (sqlcode, like_string);{ Open the cursor, supplying } { the string to match against. } WRITELN('Matching Employees:'); { Print header. } REPEAT { Iterate matching names. } BEGIN FETCH_INTO (sqlcode, emp_last, emp_first);{ Fetch the next name. } IF sqlcode = 0 THEN WRITELN(emp_first, emp_last); { Print employee information. } END UNTIL sqlcode <> 0; IF sqlcode <> 100 { Print any error information. } THEN WRITELN ('SQL error code = ', sqlcode); CLOSE_CURSOR (sqlcode); { Finish the cursor operation. } ROLLBACK_TRANS (sqlcode); { Finish the transaction. } END. Here is the SQL module file that this program calls: MODULE employees LANGUAGE PASCAL AUTHORIZATION SQL_USER ALIAS RDB$DBHANDLE DECLARE ALIAS FOR FILENAME PERSONNEL DECLARE names CURSOR FOR SELECT LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE LAST_NAME LIKE match_string PROCEDURE SET_TRANS SQLCODE; SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY; PROCEDURE OPEN_CURSOR SQLCODE match_string CHAR(14); OPEN names; PROCEDURE FETCH_INTO SQLCODE l_name CHAR(14) f_name CHAR(10); FETCH names INTO l_name, f_name; PROCEDURE CLOSE_CURSOR SQLCODE; CLOSE names; PROCEDURE ROLLBACK_TRANS SQLCODE; ROLLBACK; Example 2: Calling an SQL module procedure from a C program The following example is a C program that calls a procedure that is in an SQL module file: /* C program to list employees' names where the last name matches a LIKE predicate. Note the following: 1) The input parameter (like_string) to the SELECT expression in the DECLARE CURSOR is supplied on the OPEN_CURSOR call. 2) The output parameters are returned on each FETCH_INTO call. 3) The cursor is closed after the desired rows are processed, so that it will be positioned properly in subsequent operations. */ #include <stdio.h> #pragma dictionary "name" typedef struct name NAME_TYPE; extern void FETCH_INTO (int *sqlcode, NAME_TYPE *name_record); typedef char LAST_NAME[15]; typedef int *SQLCODE; /* Declarations of entry points in the SQL module */ extern void SET_TRANS (int *sqlcode); extern void OPEN_CURSOR (int *sqlcode, LAST_NAME name); extern void CLOSE_CURSOR (int *sqlcode); extern void ROLLBACK_TRANS (int *sqlcode); void main () { int sqlcode = 0; NAME_TYPE name_record; LAST_NAME like_string = "T%"; SET_TRANS (&sqlcode); /* Start a read-only transaction. */ if (sqlcode != 0) /* Print any error information. */ printf ("SQL error code = %d\n", sqlcode); OPEN_CURSOR (&sqlcode, like_string); /* Open the cursor, supplying */ /* the string to match against. */ if (sqlcode != 0) /* Print any error information. */ printf ("SQL error code = %d\n", sqlcode); printf ("Matching Employees:\n"); /* Print header. */ do /* Iterate matching names. */ { FETCH_INTO (&sqlcode, &name_record);/* Fetch the next name. */ if (sqlcode == 0) printf ("%s%s\n", name_record.f_name, name_record.l_name); } /* Print employee information. */ while (sqlcode == 0); if (sqlcode != 100) /* Print any error information. */ printf ("SQL error code = %d\n", sqlcode); CLOSE_CURSOR (&sqlcode); /* Complete the cursor operation. */ if (sqlcode != 0) /* Print any error information. */ printf ("SQL error code = %d\n", sqlcode); ROLLBACK_TRANS (&sqlcode); /* Finish the transaction. */ if (sqlcode != 0) /* Print any error information. */ printf ("SQL error code = %d\n", sqlcode); } Here is the SQL module file that this program calls: MODULE employees LANGUAGE C AUTHORIZATION SQL_USER ALIAS RDB$DBHANDLE DECLARE ALIAS FOR PATHNAME 'MF_PERSONNEL' DECLARE names CURSOR FOR SELECT LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE LAST_NAME LIKE match_string PROCEDURE SET_TRANS SQLCODE; SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY; PROCEDURE OPEN_CURSOR SQLCODE match_string CHAR(14); OPEN names; PROCEDURE FETCH_INTO SQLCODE, name_record RECORD FROM 'name' END RECORD; FETCH names INTO name_record; PROCEDURE CLOSE_CURSOR SQLCODE; CLOSE names; PROCEDURE ROLLBACK_TRANS SQLCODE; ROLLBACK;