The MODIFY command is used to modify password, policy, or principal data.
principal_name The MODIFY PASSWORD command is used to modify a principal's password.
1.1 – Qualifiers
/PASSWORD=password Specifies the password for the specified principal.
/RANDOM Specifies the random key generation for the specified principal.
1.4 – Examples
KerberosAdmin> Modify Password TestAccount /Password=NewPassword Requests that the TestAccount password be changed to NewPassword.
policy_name The MODIFY POLICY command is used to modify a password policy entry.
2.1 – Qualifiers
/LIFETIME=(field [,...]) Specifies the password lifetime for the modified policy.
2.2.1 – Fields
MAX:delta-time Specifies the maximum password lifetime for the modified policy. MIN:delta-time Specifies the minimum password lifetime for the modified policy.
/LENGTH=(field [,...]) Specifies the password length for the modified policy.
2.3.1 – Fields
MIN:n Specifies the minimum password length for the modified policy.
/CLASSES=(field [,...]) Specifies the minimum password classes for the modified policy.
2.4.1 – Fields
MIN:n Specifies the minimum password length for the modified policy.
/HISTORY=(field [,...]) Specifies the password history for the modified policy.
2.5.1 – Fields
MIN:n Specifies the minimum password history for the modified policy.
2.6 – Examples
KerberosAdmin> Modify Policy TestPolicy /Max_Pwd_Lifetime=30-00:00:00 Requests that the maximum password lifetime of TestPolicy be set to 30 days.
principal_name The MODIFY PRINCIPAL command is used to modify a principal entry.
3.1 – Qualifiers
/POLICY[=policy] /[NO]POLICY Specifies the policy for the modified principal. If the negated for of this qualifier is used then the modified principal will have any associated policy removed.
/EXPIRATION=date-time Specifies the expiration for the modified principal.
/PWD_EXPIRATION=date-time Specifies the expiration for the modified principal's password.
/TICKET_LIFETIME=(field [,...]) Specifies the ticket lifetime for the modified principal.
3.5.1 – Fields
MAX:delta-time Specifies the maximum ticket lifetime for the modified principal.
/RENEWAL_LIFETIME=(field [,...]) Specifies the ticket renewal lifetime for the modified principal.
3.6.1 – Fields
MAX:delta-time Specifies the maximum ticket renewal lifetime for the modified principal.
/KEY_VERSION=number Specifies the key version number associated with the modified principal. This value must be in the range of 0 through 255.
/ATTRIBUTES=([NO]attrname[,...]) Specifies the attributes associated with the modified principal. Keyword Description DISALLOW_POSTDATED Disallows postdated tickets for this principal. DISALLOW_FORWARDABLE Disallows forwardable tickets for this principal. DISALLOW_TGT_BASED Disallows Ticket-Granting-Service based issuances for this server. DISALLOW_RENEWABLE Disallows renewable tickets for this principal. DISALLOW_PROXIABLE Disallows proxiable tickets for this principal. DISALLOW_DUP_SKEY Disallows duplicate SKEY for this principal. DISALLOW_ALL_TIX Disallows all tickets for this principal. The client or server is locked out. REQUIRES_PRE_AUTH Pre-Authentication is required for this principal. REQUIRES_HW_AUTH Hardware Pre-Authentication is required for this principal. REQUIRES_PWCHANGE Password change is required for this principal. DISALLOW_SVR Disallows service on this server. PWCHANGE_SERVICE The server provides password changing service. SUPPORT_DESMD5 RSA-MD5 with DES cbc mode is supported by this principal.
3.9 – Examples
KerberosAdmin> Modify Principal TestPrincipal - _KerberosAdmin> /Attribute=DISALLOW_FORWARDABLE Requests that the TestPrincipal be modified such that forwardable tickets are disallowed.