LATCP$HELP.HLB  —  SET  PORT  Qualifiers


    Specifies that a port on the local node is an application port,
    logically associated with a port on a terminal server or a
    dedicated port on another LAT service node. The terminal server
    port supports a device (for example, a printer). If the port
    is used to support a printer, the print queue is established in
    a startup command procedure. See the OpenVMS System Manager's
    Manual for a description of configuring remote printers on a
    terminal server.

    If you do not specify a port type, the default port type is


    Specifies that a logical port on your local node is dedicated
    to an application service. The /DEDICATED qualifier requires the
    /SERVICE qualifier.

    To set up an application service for a logical port on a LAT
    service node:

    1. Create the service by specifying the CREATE SERVICE
       /APPLICATION command and then define the dedicated port by
       specifying the CREATE PORT/DEDICATED command. You can include
       these commands in LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM.

    2. Associate the dedicated ports with the service by specifying
       the SET PORT/DEDICATED/SERVICE command.

    3. Start the application program. Within the program, allocate
       dedicated ports with the same name as those defined in


    Specifies that a logical port on your local node is limited to
    a service in the same way a port created using the /DEDICATED
    qualifier is dedicated to an application service. The difference
    is that ports created using the /LIMITED qualifier are under the
    control of the system login image (LOGINOUT.EXE) instead of an
    application program (a user who connects to a limited service and
    is assigned to a limited port receives the "Username:" prompt).

    Using the /LIMITED qualifier, you can create a limited number
    of ports and map them to a specific service offered by the host
    system. If users are logged in to all of the limited ports for
    the service, no more connections are allowed to that service
    (terminal server users receive a "service in use" message).

4    /LOG


    Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the
    port's characteristics were modified. If you do not specify the
    /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be

5    /NODE


    Specifies the name of a terminal server (or a remote node that
    supports outgoing connections) to be logically associated with
    the specified application port on your node. The server supports
    a remote device. Note that you can set up an application port
    on your local node and associate the port with a dedicated port
    on a remote LAT service node. The remote port is dedicated to an
    application service.



    Specifies the password required to access a remote service that
    is logically associated with the specified application port.

7    /PORT


    Specifies the name of the remote port on a terminal server that
    supports a remote device, or specifies the name of a remote port
    dedicated to an application service on a remote LAT service node.
    In either case, the remote port is logically associated with the
    specified application port on your local node.

8    /QUEUED


    Specifies queued or nonqueued access to the server port. A queued
    or nonqueued request is accepted by a terminal server if a
    remote port is free. If the remote port is busy and queuing is
    enabled on the terminal server, then the server queues the remote
    request. If you do not want your remote requests to be queued on
    the server, specify /NOQUEUED.

    Not specifying either the /QUEUED or /NOQUEUED qualifier results
    in queued access to the server port. This is the default.



    Specifies either of the following:

    o  The name of the remote service offered at a terminal server
       port that will be associated with the specified application
       port (/APPLICATION) on the local node

    o  A service name for an application program being offered on a
       dedicated port (/DEDICATED) on a LAT service node

    To specify the name of a remote service offered at a terminal
    server port, use the /NODE and /SERVICE qualifiers. To specify a
    particular port for a service, use the /NODE, /PORT, and /SERVICE
    qualifiers. Ask the terminal server manager for these names.

    To name a service for a particular application program to be
    offered locally on a dedicated port, use the /DEDICATED and
    /SERVICE qualifiers. (The service must have been created with the
    CREATE SERVICE command.) Assign only one service to a dedicated
    port, but note that several ports can have the same service

    You can also set up the port as a limited port, using the
    /LIMITED qualifier.
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