/CURRENT (D)

    Erases text in the current direction.


    Erases text in the forward direction.


       /INDICATED (D)

    Deletes the entire word the cursor is on, regardless of the
    cursor's position within that word.

4    /NEXT

    Erases the word following the cursor. When the cursor is
    positioned on a space, LSE erases all the spaces before and after
    the deleted word except one space. If the cursor is at the end of
    a line, the next line is appended to the current line. You cannot
    use the /NEXT qualifier with any other ERASE WORD qualifier.


    Erases the previous word when the cursor is on the first character
    of a word or between words. When the cursor is in the middle of
    a word, that entire word is erased and the cursor moves on to
    the first letter of the next word. You cannot use the /PREVIOUS
    qualifier with any other ERASE WORD qualifier.


    Erases text in the reverse direction.

7    /TO

    Deletes text from the current cursor position to the beginning of
    the next word in the specified direction.
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