LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  Features  Patterns  VMS
   The VMS pattern style enables the special interpretation of wildcard
   characters and a quote character in the search-string parameter as
   shown below:

      VMS-Style Wildcards

      Wildcard      Matches

      *             One or more characters of any kind on a line.

      **            One or more characters of any kind crossing lines.

      %             A single character.

      \<            Beginning of a line.

      \>            End of a line.

      \[set-of-     Any character in the specified set. For example,
      characters]   \[abc] matches any letter in the set "abc" and
                    \[c-t] matches any letter in the set "c" through

      \[~set-of-    Anything not in the specified set of characters.

      \             Lets you specify the characters \,*,% or ] within
                    wildcard expressions. For example, \\ matches the
                    backslash character (\).

      \.            Repeats the previous pattern zero or more times,
                    including the original.

      \:            Repeats the previous pattern at least once,
                    including the original; that is, a null occurrence
                    does not match.

      \w            Any empty space created by the space bar or tab
                    stops, including no more than one line break.

      \d            Any decimal digit.

      \o            Any octal digit.

      \x            Any hexadecimal digit.

      \a            Any alphabetic character, including accented
                    letters, other marked letters, and non-English

      \n            Any alphanumeric character.

      \s            Any character that can be used in a symbol:
                    alphanumeric, dollar sign, and underscore.

      \l            Any lowercase letter.

      \u            Any uppercase letter.

      \p            Any punctuation character.

      \f            Any formatting characters: backspace, tab, line
                    feed, vertical tab, form feed, and carriage return.

      \^            Any control character.

      \+            Any character with bit 7 set; that is, ASCII decimal
                    values from 128 through 255.

   For example the following command will find a line starting with an
   uppercase letter:

      SEARCH/PATTERN  "\<\u"
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