Do Provides the LSE Command> prompt for you to issue LSE or SCA commands. You can issue commands from the command line or from a buffer. You may specify a list of commands to be executed with the DO command. The DO/TPU command directs LSE to execute VAXTPU program statements. Examples: 1. LSE Command> DO "GOTO LINE","PASTE" Moves the cursor to the end of the line in the current direction and copies the contents of the $PASTE buffer or clipboard at that position. 2. LSE Command> DO/TPU "ERASE(MESSAGE_BUFFER)" Invokes VAXTPU to erase the contents of the message buffer. Any messages that have accumulated at the bottom of your screen disappear. Command Equivalent: GOTO COMMAND Related Topics: COMMAND CONTINUE DO/CONTINUE/PROMPT="LSE Command> " DO/CONTINUE/TPU/PROMPT="TPU> " DO/NOCONTINUE/PROMPT="LSE> "