
  Enters a control code or other character, either as text in the buffer you are
  editing or as a string for a command.


     1.  Press the Quote key (CTRL/V).

     2.  Enter the control code or character, for example, press CTRL/L for
         form feed or CTRL/[ for escape.

  o  The Quote key enters the character according to the current mode of the
     buffer, as shown in the status line.  In insert mode, the character is
     inserted at the current position.  In overstrike mode, it replaces the
     current character.  Some control codes appear as a backwards question mark.

  o  You can also use the Quote key for entering strings at prompts.
     For example, you can find form feed characters as follows:

        1.  Press the Search or Substitute key.
        2.  Press CTRL/V.
        3.  Press CTRL/L for the form feed character.

  o  If you use the Define Key command to define a typing key (letter, number, or
     punctuation mark) or a control key, you can use the Quote key to enter the
     character or control code normally bound to that key.  For example, if you
     defined the tilde to execute a procedure, you insert a tilde character by
     doing the following:

        1.  Press CTRL/V.
        2.  Type the tilde (~).

  Command Equivalent:


  Related topics:

          SET INSERT
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