Use the SET NODE  command to  create or  modify  node  parameters in the
 volatile  database on  the local  node.  Use the DEFINE NODE  command to
 create or modify node parameters in the permanent  database on the local

     SET    KNOWN NODES     (parameters ...)
            NODE node-id

 All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces
 when parameters are used in NCP commands.


 Indicates that the specified  parameters for all known nodes are to be
 created or modified in the database.

2  –  NODE node-id

 Identifies the node (local or remote) for which  specified  parameters
 are to be created or modified in the database.

3  –  ALL

 Use the SET NODE ALL command to update  the  volatile  database on the
 executor node with all the parameters stored for a particular  node in
 the permanent database on the executor node.

4  –  ACCESS

 Specifies the allowed logical link connections for the node. There are
 four options:

     INCOMING    Allows logical link connections from the  remote  node

     OUTGOING    Allows the local  node to initiate  connections to the
                 remote node; but does not  allow  connections from the
                 remote node

     BOTH        Allows incoming and outgoing logical link connections.
                 This is the default

     NONE        Does not  allow  incoming  or  outgoing  logical  link
                 connections to this node

5  –  ADDRESS node-address

 Specifies the address of the node to which you want the database entry
 to refer.

6  –  CIRCUIT circuit-id

 Identifies a loop node and specifies the identification of the circuit
 to be used for all traffic to the loop node.

7  –  COUNTER TIMER seconds

 Specifies a timer whose  expiration  causes  a  node  counter  logging

8  –  CPU cpu-type

 Identifies the node's CPU type.  There are four valid types:


9  –  DIAGNOSTIC FILE file-spec

 Applies to nodes on broadcast circuits.  Identifies the file to be read
 when the adjacent node has been  downline  loaded  and  has  requested
 diagnostics. The file-spec is interpreted according to the file system
 of the executor node.

10  –  DUMP

10.1  –  ADDRESS number

 Identifies the address in memory  to  begin  an  upline  dump  of  the
 adjacent node.

10.2  –  COUNT number

 Specifies the default number of memory units to upline dump  from  the
 the adjacent node.

10.3  –  FILE file-spec

 Identifies which file to write to when the  adjacent  node  is  dumped
 upline.  The file-spec is interpreted according to the file  system of
 the executor node.

11  –  HARDWARE ADDRESS address

 Identifies the address  originally  assigned to the controller  for
 the system on the adjacent node.  Used  during operations such as
 downline loading to communicate with the system before the system has
 set up its physical address.

12  –  HOST node-id

 Identifies the host node.  For an adjacent node, the host address is a
 parameter that the adjacent node receives when it is loaded  downline.
 If no host is specified, the default is the executor node.

13  –  INBOUND node-type

 Required  for  nodes  when  the  VERIFICATION   INBOUND  parameter  is
 specified for the circuit over which the connection  is  to  be  made.
 Specifies the type of the  node.  The  node-type  is  checked  by  the
 executor node if  the  specified  node  attempts  to  form  a  dynamic
 connection with the executor node.  If  VERIFICATION  INBOUND  is  not
 specified for the circuit, the  INBOUND  parameter  for  the  node  is
 ignored.  The two possible node-types are

     ENDNODE    Allows the remote node to be  connected  only  if it is
                configured as an end node

     ROUTER     Allows the remote node to  be  connected  whether it is
                configured as an end node or a router

14  –  LOAD


 Specifies the VMS image that will define the system software for downline
 loading and adjacent node.


 Specifies a parameter to be passed to a load assist agent. The load assist
 agent can be used to tailor the system software to be loaded.

14.3  –  FILE file-spec

 Specifies a file containing the system software for  downline  loading
 to an adjacent node.


 Specifies a file containing management information for downline loading
 to an adjacent node.

16  –  NAME node-name

 Specifies the node name to be associated with the node identification.
 Only  one  name  can  be  assigned  to  a  node   address  or  a  line


 Specifies nonprivileged inbound access  control  information  for  the
 node, where

     ACCOUNT account     Identifies the account for  the  default  non-
                         privileged  DECnet  account on the  designated

     PASSWORD password   Identifies the password for the  default  non-
                         privileged  DECnet  account on the  designated

     USER user-id        Identifies the user name for the default  non-
                         privileged  DECnet  account on the  designated

18  –  PRIVILEGED item

 Specifies privileged inbound access control  information for the node,

     ACCOUNT account     Identifies the account for the  default  priv-
                         ileged DECnet  account on the  designated node

     PASSWORD password   Identifies the password for the default  priv-
                         ileged DECnet  account on the  designated node

     USER user-id        Identifies the user name for the default priv-
                         ileged DECnet  account on the  designated node

19  –  RECEIVE PASSWORD hex-password

 Defines the password (1-8 characters) that is expected from the remote
 node during a Routing initialization sequence.  Does not apply to nodes
 on an broadcast circuit.

20  –  SECONDARY LOADER file-spec

 Specifies a file containing the secondary  boot  loader  for  downline
 loading to an adjacent node.

21  –  SERVICE

 Introduces a service parameter.

 All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces
 when parameters are used in NCP commands.

21.1  –  CIRCUIT circuit-id

 Establishes the circuit to be used for downline loading. This is the
 default value for the VIA  parameter of the LOAD and CONNECT commands.
 The node identification must be that of the target node.

21.2  –  DEVICE device-type

 Identifies the target node's line controller for the service circuit
 over which the operation is to take place.  The possibilities are
 as follows.

                BNA  CEC  DA   DL   DLV  DMB
                DMC  DMF  DMP  DMR  DMV  DP
                DQ   DSB  DSF  DSW  DTE  DU
                DUP  DV   DW4  DZ   ELA  ERA
                ETA  EWA  FPA  FZA  ISA  KDP
                KDZ  KL   MFA  MNA  MXE  PCL
                QNA  SVA  TRA  TRE  TRP  UNA

 Only the synchronous port on the DMF service device may be used.

21.3  –  NODE VERSION version

 Specifies the DECnet software version of the node which downline
 loads its software to a target node.  The two  possible versions are
 PHASE III and PHASE IV.  The default is PHASE IV.

21.4  –  PASSWORD hex-password

 Defines the password required to trigger the bootstrap  mechanism on
 the target  node.  The password is a  hexadecimal number.  For DDCMP
 circuits, the  password is in the range 0 to FFFFFFFF;  for broadcast
 circuits, it is in the range  0  to  FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.  The  default
 is 0.


 Introduces a software parameter.

 All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces
 when parameters are used in NCP commands.

22.1  –  IDENTIFICATION software-id

 Is the ID of the software to be downline loaded.

22.2  –  TYPE software-type

 Identifies a particular file type to  be  loaded.  There  are  three


23  –  TERTIARY LOADER file-spec

 Specifies a file  containing  a  tertiary  boot  loader  for  downline
 loading to an adjacent node.

24  –  TRANSMIT PASSWORD password

 Specifies a password (1-8 characters) sent to the remote  node  during
 a Routing initialization sequence.  Does not apply to nodes on a
 broadcast circuit.

25  –  Examples


         This command sets the node name of node 5.14 to DENVER.

     NCP>SET NODE 2.11 -

         This command establishes  default privileged and nonprivileged
         access control information for node 2.11.


         This command associates the information for node 1.14  with  a
         new node whose address is 1.2.  This example  assumes that the
         executor is in area 1.


         This command  associates  with  the  node  LARK  the  hardware
         address   originally  assigned  to  the  DEUNA  controller  at
         node  LARK.  This  information  in the  volatile  database can
         be used during downline loading of target node  LARK  over  an
         Ethernet circuit.
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