Allows you to modify the extent and snapshot allocation of a storage area. You cannot specify RDB$SYSTEM in the change- storage-area-clause. To change the EXTENT, SNAPSHOT ALLOCATION, or SNAPSHOT EXTENT for RDB$SYSTEM, specify these qualifiers as part of the change-database-options. When you specify these options as part of the change-database-options, they will be changed for RDB$SYSTEM but not for any other storage areas. (B)0[mchange-storage-area-clause = qqqqqq> [4mCHANGE[m [4mSTORAGE[m [4mAREA[m qqqqqqqq> storage-area-name qqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj mqwqwqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqwqwqq> x x tq> [4mREAD_WRITE[m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x x x x tq> [4mEXTENT[m IS qw> extent-pages qqqqqqqq PAGES qwqqqqqu x x x x x m> extension-options qqqqqqqqqqqj x x x x x tq> [4mSNAPSHOT[m [4mALLOCATION[m IS qq> snp-pages qqq> PAGES qu x x x x mq> [4mSNAPSHOT[m [4mEXTENT[m IS qw> extent-pages qq> PAGES qwqj x x x x m> (extension-options) qqqqj x x x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x tqqqqq> [4mREAD_ONLY[m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu mqqqqq> [4mWRITE_ONCE[m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj
1 – storage-area-name
The name of the storage area that you want to modify.
Used to change any read-only storage area (except the RDB$SYSTEM storage area) to a read/write storage area. To change a read-only RDB$SYSTEM storage area to read/write, you must use the READ_WRITE option of the change-database-options2 clause.
3 – snp-pages
Specifies the number of pages allocated for the snapshot file. The default is 100 pages.
4 – extent-pages
Specifies the number of pages of each extent. The default is 100 pages.
5 – extension-options
Specifies the MIN, MAX, and percent growth of each database file extent. Enclose the parameter list in parentheses. (B)0[mextension-options = qqq> ( qqq> [4mMINIMUM[m OF qq> min-pages qqq> PAGES, qk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj mqq> [4mMAXIMUM[m OF qq> max-pages qq> PAGES,qk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj mqq> [4mPERCENT[m [4mGROWTH[m IS qqq> growth qqqq> ) qqq>
5.1 – min-pages
Specifies the minimum number of pages of each extent. The default is 99 pages.
5.2 – max-pages
Specifies the maximum number of pages of each extent. The default is 9,999 pages.
5.3 – growth
Specifies the percent growth of each extent. The default is 20 percent growth.
Used to change any read/write storage area (except the RDB$SYSTEM storage area) to a read-only storage area. To change a read/write RDB$SYSTEM storage area to read-only, you must use the READ_ONLY option of the change-database-options2 clause. You cannot change the parameters of a read-only storage area. You must first change the storage area to a read/write area, then change the parameters. Also, no write operation can be done in a read-only storage area except a cardinality update. See the RMU/ANALYZE/CARDINALITY help topic in the RMU help file for more information and restrictions on updating cardinalities.
You can use the WRITE_ONCE option to change a storage area containing stable segmented string data to a format that can be stored on a write-once, read-many (WORM) optical disk. A WORM optical disk offers a relatively inexpensive way of storing large amounts of data for read-only access compared to other storage media. The following restrictions apply to the WRITE_ONCE option: o Note that you cannot write data other than segmented strings to a write-once storage area. Oracle Rdb issues an error message if you try to create a storage map that stores data other than segmented strings in a write-once storage area. Storage maps for non-segmented-string data must be removed before you can alter a storage area to WRITE_ONCE. o When you create a storage area on WORM media, you must specify that the snapshot area remains on read/write media: do not give a snapshot file the WRITE_ONCE attribute. o If you specify the WRITE_ONCE option when storing a segmented string, database keys are not compressed. For more information on database key compression, see the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance. o Write-once storage areas do not use SPAM pages to look for storage space, but to assist moving data back to non-WORM media in which SPAM pages must be built again, space is still allocated for them. Since SPAM pages are essential in uniform areas, Write-once storage areas cannot be of uniform format and therefore are required to be of mixed format. o You can use the PAGE SIZE IS clause of CREATE STORAGE AREA to change the default page size for a storage area. To optimize storage, always specify an even number of blocks per page. o Rdb does not support magnetic media for storing write-once storage areas. o After you move a storage area to or from a WORM device, Do a full and complete backup of your database with the RMU/BACKUP command and start a new after-image journaling file. For more information on backup and recovery procedures with write-once storage areas, see the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance.