(B)0[mdb-wide-options-2 = qwq> [4mBUFFER[m [4mSIZE[m IS qqqqq> buffer-blocks qq> [4mBLOCKS[m qqqqqqwq> tq> [4mADJUSTABLE[m [4mLOCK[m [4mGRANULARITY[m IS qwqqq> [4mENABLED[m qqqwqqqu x mqqq> [4mDISABLED[m qqj x tq> [4mSNAPSHOT[m IS qqqqwqqqqq> [4mENABLED[m qwqq> [4mIMMEDIATE[m qwqwqu x x mqq> [4mDEFERRED[m qqj x x x mqqqqq> [4mDISABLED[m qqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqj x tq> [4mDICTIONARY[m IS qqqwqqq> [4mREQUIRED[m qqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x tqqq> [4mNOT[m [4mREQUIRED[m qqqu x x tqqq> [4mUSED[m qqqqqqqqqqqu x x mqqq> [4mNOT[m [4mUSED[m qqqqqqqj x tq> [4mCARRY[m [4mOVER[m [4mLOCKS[m ARE qqwq> [4mENABLED[m qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x mq> [4mDISABLED[m j x mq> [4mLOCK[m [4mTIMEOUT[m [4mINTERVAL[m IS number-seconds SECONDS qqqqqj
1 – buffer-blocks
The number of blocks Oracle Rdb allocates per buffer. Specify an unsigned integer greater than zero. If you do not specify this parameter, Oracle Rdb uses a buffer size that is three times the PAGE SIZE value. Buffer size is a global parameter and the number of blocks per page (or buffer) is constrained to less than 64 blocks per page. The page size can vary by storage area for multifile databases, so you should determine the page size of each storage area based on the sizes of records that will be stored in each storage area. When you choose the number of blocks per buffer, choose a number that is wholly divisible by all page sizes for all storage areas in your multifile database. For example, if your database has three storage areas with page sizes of 2, 3, and 4 blocks respectively, choosing a buffer size of 12 blocks will ensure optimal buffer utilization. If you choose a buffer size of 8, the storage area with a page size of 3 blocks will waste 2 blocks per buffer. Oracle Rdb reads as many pages as will fit into the buffer. In this case, Oracle Rdb reads two pages of 3 blocks apiece into the buffer, wasting 2 blocks.
Enables or disables whether or not the database system will automatically maintain as few locks as possible on database resources. The default is ENABLED, and results in fewer locks against the database. However, if contention for database resources is high, the automatic adjustment of locks can become a CPU drain. Such databases can trade more restrictive locking for less CPU usage by disabling adjustable lock granularity. Disabling adjustable locking granularity may require that the LOCKIDTBL, LOCKIDTBL_MAX, PQL_DENQLM, PQL_MENQLM OpenVMS SYSGEN parameters for locks be increased.
The default, ENABLED IMMEDIATE causes read/write transactions to write copies of records to the the snapshot file before those records are modified, regardless of whether a read-only transaction is active. If you use the SNAPSHOT IS ENABLED clause to enable snapshots on a multifile database, writing to all snapshot files for all storage areas is enabled.
Specifies that read/write transactions not write copies of records they modify to the snapshot file unless a read-only transaction is active. Read-only transactions that attempt to start after an active read/write transaction begins must wait for all active read/write users to complete their transactions. If you use the SNAPSHOT IS ENABLED clause to enable snapshots on a multifile database, writing to all snapshot files for all storage areas is enabled.
Disables snapshot transactions. If you use the SNAPSHOT IS DISABLED clause to disable snapshots on a multifile database, writing to all snapshot files for all storage areas is disabled.
The DICTIONARY IS [NOT] REQUIRED clause determines whether the database must be invoked by path name for data definition changes to occur. If you specify the DICTIONARY IS REQUIRED option, the database must be invoked by path name to change metadata and the data dictionary will be maintained. If you specify the DICTIONARY IS NOT REQUIRED option, the database can be invoked by either file name or path name to change metadata. The default is DICTIONARY IS NOT REQUIRED. The DICTIONARY IS [NOT] USED clause determines whether the definition of the database and definitions of database elements will be stored in the data dictionary. If you specify the DICTIONARY IS USED option, the definition of the database and definitions of database elements will be stored in the data dictionary. If you specify the DICTIONARY IS NOT USED option, no definitions will be stored in the data dictionary. The default is DICTIONARY IS USED. You receive an error message if you specify incompatible options, such as the DICTIONARY IS REQUIRED option and the DICTIONARY IS NOT USED option.
The carry-over locks option is a database-wide parameter that allows you to disable carry-over lock optimization. This optimization is enabled by default. Although this is an advantage in more environments, it can result in false lock conflicts in some applications. The carry-over locks optimization holds area and record locks across transactions and depends on NOWAIT transactions asking for and acquiring the NOWAIT lock. This can result in long delays if concurrent users are executing long verbs. You should consider disabling the carry-over locks optimization if transactions experience noticeable delays in acquiring the NOWAIT lock (as seen in the output of the RMU/SHOW STATISTICS command). Note that if you do disable the carry-over locks option, there may be some performance degradation because transactions will acquire and release area and top level ALG locks for every transaction.
Specifies the number of seconds for processes to wait during a lock conflict before timing out. The number of seconds can be between one and 65,000. Sets the default database lock timeout interval. This is the database wide timeout interval. It is used as the default as well as the upper limit in determining the timeout interval to use. For example, if LOCK TIMEOUT INTERVAL IS 25 SECONDS is specified with the CHANGE DATABASE or DEFINE DATABASE statement, and a user specifies 30 seconds with the SQL SET TRANSACTION WAIT 30 statement or sets the logical name RDM$BIND_LOCK_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL to 30, RDO would still use the interval of 25 specified with the LOCK TIMEOUT INTERVAL clause.