Creates a storage map for a relation. A storage map associates a relation with a particular storage area or areas. The DEFINE STORAGE MAP statement allows you to specify: o Which storage areas the records in a relation will be stored in o Whether an index will be used to choose a target location for storing the record o Whether data compression will be enabled when the records are stored o Which storage areas segmented strings will be stored in Example: RDO> DEFINE STORAGE MAP JOBS_MAP FOR JOBS cont> STORE WITHIN JOBS cont> END JOBS_MAP STORAGE MAP.
1 – Format
(B)0[m[4mDEFINE[m [4mSTORAGE[m [4mMAP[m qqqqqqqqqqq> map-name qqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj mqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqk mq> [4mDESCRIPTION[m IS /* text */ qqj x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj mq> [4mFOR[m qqqqq> relation-map-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj mq> [4mEND[m qqwqqqqqqq>qqqqqqwqqwqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqwq> . mq> map-name qqj mq> [4mSTORAGE[m [4mMAP[m qj
1.1 – map-name
Specifies the name for the storage map being defined.
1.2 – text
A text string that adds a comment to the storage map definition.
1.3 – relation-map-clause
(B)0[mrelation-map-clause = qqwq> relation-name qqqq> RELATION qqwqqqqqqqk mq> [4mSEGMENTED[m [4mSTRINGS[m qqqqqqqqqqqqqj x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj mqqwqwqq> map-storage-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqwq> x tqq> [4mPLACEMENT[m [4mVIA[m [4mINDEX[m qq> index-name qqu x x mwqq> [4mDISABLE[m qqwq> [4mCOMPRESSION[m qqqqqqqqqqj x x mqq> [4mENABLE[m qqqj x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj
1.3.1 – relation-name
Specifies the relation to which the storage map will apply. The relation must already be defined and cannot have a storage map associated with it.
Specified when you want to store segmented strings in multiple storage areas. Use the store-clause to specify the storage areas in which you wish to store the segmented strings.
1.3.3 – map-storage-clause
(B)0[mmap-storage-clause = [4mSTORE[m qw> map-within-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqk m> [4mUSING[m qw> field-name qw> map-within-clause qj x mqqqqq , <qqqqqj x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj mqwqqqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> m> default-threshold-clause qj – map-within-clause
(B)0[mmap-within-clause = [4mWITHIN[m qwq> area-name qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqk x m> [4mWITH[m [4mLIMIT[m OF qw> literal qwj x x mqqqq , <qqqj x xlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj xmwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqwqk x mq> [4mFOR[m qwqwqw> rel-name qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x x x x x mqqqq , <qqqqj x x x x x mw> relation-name.field-name qwj x x x x mqqqqqqqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqqqqqqj x x x mqqqqqqqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x mqwqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqwqqwqqqqqqqqq> x mq> threshold-clause qj x mqqqqqqqqqqqqq ; <qqqqqqqqqqqj – area-name
The name of the storage area you want records stored in. You must have defined this storage area with either the DEFINE DATABASE statement or the DEFINE STORAGE AREA clause of the CHANGE DATABASE statement before you refer to it in the map- within-clause. – WITH_LIMIT_OF
The maximum value for the index key that will reside in the specified storage area. The number of literals in this clause must be the less than or equal to the number of fields in the USING clause. Repeat this clause to partition the index entries among multiple storage areas. When you define a multisegmented index using multiple keys and use the STORE USING...WITH LIMITS clauses, if the values for the first key are all the same, then set the limit for the first key at that value. By doing this, you ensure that the value of the second key determines the storage area in which each record will be stored. Note that the last storage area you specify CANNOT have a WITH LIMIT OF clause associated with it. – rel-name
The name of the relation whose segmented strings you want to store in the specified storage area. If you want to store the segmented strings of more than one relation in the storage area, separate the names of the relations with commas. – relation-name.field-name
The name of the relation and segmented string field that you want to store in the specified storage area. If you want to store more than one segmented string field in the storage area, separate the list items with commas. – threshold-clause
(B)0[mthreshold-clause= qq> [4mTHRESHOLDS[m ARE qqqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqj mq> ( qq> val1 qwqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqwq> ) qq> mq> ,val2 qqwqqqqq>qqqqu mq> ,val3 qj Specifies associated threshold values for each storage area with uniform format that is specified in the map-within-clause. By setting threshold values, you can make sure that Oracle Rdb does not overlook a page with sufficient space to store compressed data. The threshold values specify when the page is marked as FULL in the SPAM page free space inventory lists. For example, if you set default values of 70, 85, and 95 percent, ranges of guaranteed free space on each data page are 30, 15, and 5 percent, respectively. If you do not set default values, the values are (0,0,0). With values of (0,0,0), Oracle Rdb will use the record length when setting the SPAM fullness. Oracle Rdb will never store a record on a page at threshold 3. The value you set for the highest threshold can be used to reserve space on the page for future record growth. If you specify a value of 40 for the "val1" parameter, but do not specify values for the "val2" or "val3" parameters, the threshold values will be set at (40,100,100). If you use data compression, you should use logical area thresholds to obtain optimum storage performance. – USING field-name
The names of the fields whose values will be used as limits for partitioning the relation across multiple storage areas. Oracle Rdb compares values in the fields to the values in the WITH LIMIT OF clause to determine where to initially store the record. – default-threshold-clause
(B)0[mdefault-threshold-clause = qq> [4mDEFAULT[m [4mTHRESHOLDS[m ARE qqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqj mq> ( qq> val1 qwqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqwq> ) qq> mq> ,val2 qqwqqqqq>qqqqu mq> ,val3 qj Specifies associated threshold values for each storage area with uniform format that is NOT specified in the map-within-clause. By setting threshold values, you can make sure that Oracle Rdb does not overlook a page with sufficient space to store compressed data. The threshold values specify when the page is marked as FULL in the SPAM page free space inventory lists. For example, if you set default values of 70, 85, and 95 percent, ranges of guaranteed free space on each data page are 30, 15, and 5 percent, respectively. If you do not set default values, the values are (0,0,0). With values of (0,0,0), Oracle Rdb will use the record length when setting the SPAM fullness. Oracle Rdb will never store a record on a page at threshold 3. The value you set for the highest threshold can be used to reserve space on the page for future record growth. If you specify a value of 40 for the "val1" parameter, but do not specify values for the "val2" or "val3" parameters, the threshold values will be set at (40,100,100). If you use data compression, you should use logical area thresholds to obtain optimum storage performance.
Indicates that Oracle Rdb should attempt to store a record in a way that optimizes access to that record via the indicated path. If the index named is a hashed index, the storage area named must have a MIXED page format. If the hashed index definition and the storage map for the relation designate the same storage area, then the record is stored on the same page as the hashed index node. Otherwise, Oracle Rdb uses the same relative page within the data storage area as the target page. If the index named is a sorted index, Oracle Rdb finds the dbkey of the next lowest record to the one being stored and uses the page number in the dbkey as the target page.
1.3.5 – COMPRESSION clause
Specifies whether data compression will be enabled or disabled when the records are stored. ENABLE COMPRESSION is the default.
2 – More
To define a storage map for a relation, you need the Oracle Rdb DEFINE privilege to the relation. You must execute this statement in a read/write transaction. If there is no active transaction and you issue this statement, Oracle Rdb starts a read/write transaction implicitly. Other users are allowed to be attached to the database when you issue the DEFINE STORAGE MAP statement. However, they are not allowed to be using the relation whose storage map is being defined.
3 – Examples
Example 1 The following statement defines a storage map for the employees relation in MF_PERSONNEL. DEFINE STORAGE MAP EMPLOYEES_MAP DESCRIPTION IS /* EMPLOYEES partitioned by EMPLOYEE_ID */ FOR EMPLOYEES RELATION STORE USING EMPLOYEE_ID WITHIN EMPIDS_LOW WITH LIMIT OF "00200"; EMPIDS_MID WITH LIMIT OF "00400"; EMPIDS_OVER END EMPLOYEES_MAP STORAGE MAP. Example 2 The following example shows how to define a storage map that stores all records from a relation in the named storage area: RDO> DEFINE STORAGE MAP SALARY_HISTORY_MAP cont> DESCRIPTION IS /* Map for salary history records */ cont> FOR SALARY_HISTORY RELATION cont> STORE WITHIN SALARY_HISTORY cont> END SALARY_HISTORY_MAP STORAGE MAP. This statement stores all the records from the SALARY_HISTORY relation into the storage area, SALARY_HISTORY. SALARY_HISTORY is the name of a storage area that was created with the DEFINE DATABASE statement. Example 3 The following example uses the PLACEMENT VIA INDEX clause to store records in a storage area according to a hashed index: RDO> DEFINE STORAGE MAP DEPARTMENTS_MAP cont> FOR DEPARTMENTS RELATION cont> STORE WITHIN DEPARTMENTS cont> PLACEMENT VIA INDEX DEPARTMENTS_INDEX cont> END DEPARTMENTS_MAP STORAGE MAP. Example 4 The following example defines a database and two relations that contain segmented strings. The two relations are mapped along with their segmented strings to separate storage areas. DEFINE DATABASE SEGSTR_0 DESCRIPTION IS /* This database is used to show the Oracle Rdb segmented string support. Two relations that contain segmented strings are mapped along with their segmented string data to separate storage areas. */ DICTIONARY IS NOT USED DEFINE STORAGE AREA RDB$SYSTEM FILENAME 'SEGSTR_0' END DEFINE STORAGE AREA SEGSTR_1 FILENAME 'SEGSTR_1' END DEFINE STORAGE AREA SEGSTR_2 FILENAME 'SEGSTR_2' END DEFINE STORAGE AREA SEGSTR_SS1 FILENAME 'SEGSTR_SS1' END DEFINE STORAGE AREA SEGSTR_SS2 FILENAME 'SEGSTR_SS2' END SEGMENTED STRING STORAGE AREA IS SEGSTR_SS2. DEFINE FIELD STANDARD_DATE DATATYPE DATE. DEFINE FIELD TITLE DATATYPE TEXT SIZE 50. DEFINE FIELD DIARY_ENTRY DATATYPE SEGMENTED STRING SUB_TYPE TEXT SEGMENT_LENGTH 200. DEFINE RELATION DAILY_DIARY DESCRIPTION /* Simple diary */. ENTRY_DATE BASED ON STANDARD_DATE. TITLE. DIARY_ENTRY. END. DEFINE RELATION SPECIAL_EVENTS DESCRIPTION IS /* Special events - birthdays, anniversaries, etc. */. EVENT_DATE BASED ON STANDARD_DATE. EVENT_NAME BASED ON TITLE. EVENT_DESCRIPTION BASED ON DIARY_ENTRY. SPECIAL_INSTRUCTIONS BASED ON DIARY_ENTRY. END. DEFINE STORAGE MAP DAILY_DIARY_MAP DESCRIPTION IS /* Diary entries are randomly partitioned over two areas */ FOR DAILY_DIARY STORE WITHIN SEGSTR_1; SEGSTR_2 END. DEFINE STORAGE MAP SPECIAL_EVENTS_MAP DESCRIPTION IS /* Special events entries are stored in one area */ FOR SPECIAL_EVENTS STORE WITHIN SEGSTR_1 END. DEFINE STORAGE MAP DIARY_TEXT DESCRIPTION IS /* Keep segmented strings in separate areas */ FOR SEGMENTED STRINGS STORE WITHIN SEGSTR_SS1 FOR DAILY_DIARY, SPECIAL_EVENTS.EVENT_DESCRIPTION; SEGSTR_SS2 FOR DAILY_DIARY; SEGSTR_1 FOR SPECIAL_EVENTS.SPECIAL_INSTRUCTIONS; RDB$SYSTEM ! RDB$SYSTEM stores other segmented strings END. Example 5 In the following example, three new storage areas (EMPIDS_LOW_ UNIFORM, EMPIDS_MID_UNIFORM, and EMPIDS_OVER_UNIFORM) and a new relation (EMPLOYEES2) are defined in the MF_PERSONNEL database. Then a storage map is defined so that new EMPLOYEES2 records are stored in either the EMPIDS_LOW_UNIFORM, EMPIDS_MID_UNIFORM, or EMPIDS_OVER_UNIFORM storage areas, depending on the value stored in the LAST_NAME field. RDO> CHANGE DATABASE FILENAME MF_PERSONNEL cont> DEFINE STORAGE AREA EMPIDS_LOW_UNIFORM cont> FILENAME EMPIDS_LOW_UNIFORM.RDA cont> END EMPIDS_LOW_UNIFORM STORAGE AREA cont> DEFINE STORAGE AREA EMPIDS_MID_UNIFORM cont> FILENAME EMPIDS_MID_UNIFORM.RDA cont> END EMPIDS_MID_UNIFORM STORAGE AREA cont> DEFINE STORAGE AREA EMPIDS_OVER_UNIFORM cont> FILENAME EMPIDS_OVER_UNIFORM.RDA cont> END EMPIDS_OVER_UNIFORM STORAGE AREA. RDO> ! RDO> INVOKE DATABASE FILENAME MF_PERSONNEL RDO> ! RDO> DEFINE RELATION EMPLOYEES2 cont> DESCRIPTION IS /* new relation for testing */. cont> EMPLOYEE_ID BASED ON ID_NUMBER. cont> /* Generic last name */ cont> LAST_NAME DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE IS 14. cont> /* Generic first name */ cont> FIRST_NAME DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE IS 10. cont> /* Generic middle initial */ cont> MIDDLE_INITIAL DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE IS 1. cont> /* Street name */ cont> ADDRESS_DATA_1 DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE IS 25. cont> /* Mail stops, suite addresses, street numbers, etc. */ cont> ADDRESS_DATA_2 DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE IS 25. cont> /* City name */ cont> CITY DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE IS 20. cont> /* State abbreviation (or DISTRICT) */ cont> STATE DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE IS 2. cont> /* Postal code (in US = ZIP) */ cont> POSTAL_CODE DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE IS 5. cont> /* M, F */ cont> SEX DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE IS 1. cont> BIRTHDAY BASED ON STANDARD_DATE. cont> /* A number */ cont> STATUS_CODE DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE IS 1. cont> END EMPLOYEES2 RELATION. RDO> ! RDO> DEFINE STORAGE MAP EMP2_LAST_NAME_MAP cont> FOR EMPLOYEES2 RELATION cont> STORE USING LAST_NAME cont> WITHIN EMPIDS_LOW_UNIFORM WITH LIMIT OF "IRONS" cont> THRESHOLDS ARE (70,80,95); cont> EMPIDS_MID_UNIFORM WITH LIMIT OF "QUIST"; cont> EMPIDS_OVER_UNIFORM cont> DEFAULT THRESHOLDS ARE (60,70,80) cont> END EMP2_LAST_NAME_MAP STORAGE MAP. Note that the EMPIDS_LOW_UNIFORM storage area receives the threshold values of (70,80,95) specified with the THRESHOLDS clause, and the EMPIDS_MID_UNIFORM and EMPIDS_OVER_UNIFORM storage areas receive the default threshold values of (60,70,80) specified with the DEFAULT THRESHOLDS clause.