Oracle Rdb provides support for DATATRIEVE, the Digital query language. You can specify one or more of the following clauses: Query header Query name Default value Edit string If you specify a DATATRIEVE attribute on a global field, you can cancel that attribute for a particular relation, using the NO qualifier. The NO qualifier of the dtr-clause is available when you are changing a definition with the CHANGE FIELD or CHANGE RELATION statement. The NO qualifier is not used with the dtr- clause of DEFINE FIELD, DEFINE RELATION, and DEFINE VIEW.
1 – Format
(B)0[mdtr-clause = qwq> [4mQUERY_HEADER[m [4mFOR[m qqwq> DTR qqqqqqqqwqq> IS qw> quoted-string qqwqwq> x mq> DATATRIEVE qj mqqqqqq / <qqqqqqqqj x tq> [4mNO[m [4mQUERY_HEADER[m [4mFOR[m qqwqq DTR qqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x mq> DATATRIEVE qqqj x tq> [4mQUERY_NAME[m FOR qqqqwq> DTR qqqqqqqqqwq> IS qq> quoted-string qqqqu x mq> DATATRIEVE qqj x tq> [4mNO[m [4mQUERY_NAME[m FOR qqqqwqq DTR qqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x mq> DATATRIEVE qqj x tq> [4mDEFAULT_VALUE[m FOR qwq> DTR qqqqqqqqqwq> IS qw> fxd-pnt-num qqqqwqu x mq> DATATRIEVE qqj m> quoted-string qqj x tq> [4mNO[m [4mDEFAULT_VALUE[m FOR qwq> DTR qqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x mq> DATATRIEVE qqj x tq> [4mEDIT_STRING[m FOR qqqwq> DTR qqqqqqqqqwq> IS qq> quoted-string qqqqu x mq> DATATRIEVE qqj x mq> [4mNO[m [4mEDIT_STRING[m FOR wq> DTR qqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj mq> DATATRIEVE qqj fxd-pnt-num The default value returned to DATATRIEVE when Oracle Rdb retrieves null values. A fixed-point number is a number that always includes a decimal point, even when there are no digits to the right of the decimal point. quoted-string A literal expression that Oracle Rdb returns to DATATRIEVE.
2 – Examples
Example 1 The following example defines a field and specifies a DATATRIEVE edit string for that field: DEFINE FIELD MIDDLE_INITIAL DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE 1 EDIT_STRING FOR DATATRIEVE IS 'X.'. The X represents any alphanumeric character. When you access this field through DATATRIEVE, the field value is followed by a period. The DATATRIEVE documentation set contains a complete list of editing characters. Example 2 The following example defines a DATATRIEVE query name for one field and a DATATRIEVE query header for another: DEFINE FIELD STATE DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE 2 QUERY_NAME FOR DATATRIEVE IS "ST". DEFINE FIELD SEX DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE 1 VALID IF SEX = 'M' OR SEX = 'F' QUERY_HEADER FOR DATATRIEVE IS "S"/"E"/"X". These statements define DATATRIEVE query names and query headers for the STATE and SEX fields. The header for the SEX field will be one character wide, like the field itself.