Specifies a validation check for a field. Oracle Rdb evaluates the conditional expression at run time when the field is stored or modified. (B)0[mvalidity-clause = qwq> [4mVALID[m [4mIF[m qqq> conditional-expr qwq> mq> [4mNO[m [4mVALID[m [4mIF[m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj conditional-expr Specifies a valid conditional expression. This conditional expression must refer only to the field being defined. Ask for HELP on Cond_ expr for a complete description of Oracle Rdb conditional expressions.
1 – Example
In the following example, the SHOW FIELD statement shows the SEX field, which contains a VALID IF clause. The CHANGE FIELD statement removes the VALID_IF clause from the SEX field: RDO> DATA FILE DB$:PERSONNEL RDO> SHOW FIELD SEX SEX text size is 1 Description: M, F Missing value: "?" Valid: IF SEX = 'M' OR SEX = 'F' OR SEX MISSING RDO> CHANGE FIELD SEX NO VALID IF. RDO> SHOW FIELD SEX SEX text size is 1 Description: M, F Missing value: "?" RDO> ROLLBACK