Initiates a group of statements that Oracle Rdb executes as a unit.
    A transaction ends with a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement. If you
    end the transaction with the COMMIT statement, all the statements
    within the transaction execute. If you end the transaction with
    ROLLBACK, none of the statements takes effect.

    If an application starts a distributed transaction by explicitly
    calling the DEC/dtm system service SYS$START_TRANS, it must
    complete the transaction by calling the DEC/dtm SYS$END_TRANS
    or SYS$ABORT_TRANS system service.



                     JOB_HISTORY FOR PROTECTED WRITE, -
                   WAIT -


1  –  More

    If you have invoked a database, you have the necessary privileges
    to use the START_TRANSACTION statement.

    If you issue a data manipulation statement without issuing START_
    TRANSACTION first, Oracle Rdb automatically starts a transaction
    for you, using the READ_ONLY option. Thus, you can perform simple
    data retrieval without starting a transaction explicitly.

    If you issue a data manipulation statement, such as GET or PRINT,
    and then try to use START_TRANSACTION, you may get an error
    message warning you that a transaction is already in progress.
    To solve this problem, always issue an explicit START_TRANSACTION
    statement when you plan to perform more than one operation.

    You must have the DISTRIBTRAN database access right to a database
    to run a two-phase commit transaction on that database.

2  –  Multiple Database Access

    You can use different share and access modes in the START_
    TRANSACTION statement when you intend to access more than
    one database in your application. To use this feature, you
    must specify a database handle for each database you invoke.
    For example, your application can access any relation in one
    database using the read-only transaction to check certain data
    values while it updates relations in another database using the
    read/write transaction.

    Note that any START_TRANSACTION statements already contained in
    your application programs will continue to execute normally.

    Because the read-only transaction uses a snapshot version of the
    database, you might encounter inconsistencies in the data your
    application retrieves. Therefore, if your program accesses one
    database using read-only, another transaction using read/write
    might update a relation in the database file itself. The data
    your program reads from the snapshot file represents a before-
    image of the record the other program is updating. If you require
    absolute data consistency for certain update applications, you
    should specify the read/write transaction mode for both databases
    and permit others to read one of the databases by including the
    SHARED READ reserving option. In this way, you maintain data
    consistency during updates while permitting concurrent data
    retrieval from the database your program reads.

    Before you can use the multiple database feature of the START_
    TRANSACTION statement, you must issue an INVOKE statement
    for each database you intend to access. The INVOKE statement
    must include a database handle. For example, the following
    INVOKE statements identify two databases required by an update


    Because the program only needs to read the EMPLOYEES relation of
    the PERSONNEL database (DB1), but needs to change values in two
    relations, TUITION and STATUS of the BENEFITS database (DB2),
    the update program might contain the following START_TRANSACTION

    &RDB&   ON DB1 USING
    &RDB&    (READ_ONLY
    &RDB&   ON DB2 USING
    &RDB&    (READ_WRITE
    &RDB&                 STATUS  FOR SHARED WRITE)

    If you refer to more than one Oracle Rdb database for actual update
    operations within one transaction, use a distributed transaction.

    For complete information on distributed transactions, see the
    Oracle Rdb Guide to Distributed Transactions.

3  –  Format

  (B)0START_TRANSACTION qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqk
                     mq> ( qq> TRANSACTION_HANDLE var qq> ) qj x
    mq> distributed-transaction-flag qj tq> tx-options qqu x
                                        mq> on-clause qqqj x
      mqq> on-error qqqj


    A keyword followed by a host language variable. A transaction
    handle identifies each instance of a transaction. If you do not
    declare the transaction handle explicitly, Oracle Rdb attaches an
    internal identifier to the transaction.

    If you specify a transaction handle on a START_TRANSACTION
    statement, you must also specify the transaction handle on any
    COMMIT, FOR, ROLLBACK, START_STREAM, and STORE statements that
    relate to the transaction.

    You can specify this clause only once within a single START_
    TRANSACTION statement.

    In Callable RDO, use !VAL as a marker for host language

    Normally, you do not need to use this argument. The ability to
    declare a transaction handle is provided for compatibility with
    other database products and future releases of Oracle Rdb.

    Do not use this argument in interactive RDO.

3.2  –  distributed-transaction-flag

  (B)0distributed-transaction-flag =

  q> DISTRIBUTED_TRANSACTION qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq>
                              m> DISTRIBUTED_TID distributed-tid qj


    A distributed transaction is a transaction that uses more than
    one database handle. Examples of a distributed transaction

    o  a transaction that attaches more than once to a single Oracle Rdb

    o  a transaction that attaches to two or more Oracle Rdb databases

    o  a transaction that attaches to more than one database
       management system (an Oracle Rdb database and a Oracle CODASYL
       DBMS database, for example)

    Distributed transactions are managed by the DECdtm services.
    DECdtm services assigns a unique distributed transaction
    identifier (distributed TID) to each distributed transaction
    when the distributed transaction is started.

    Use the DISTRIBUTED_TRANSACTION keyword by itself (without the
    DISTRIBUTED_TID distributed-tid clause) when you want to start a
    distributed transaction.

    For complete information on distributed transactions, see the
    Oracle Rdb Guide to Distributed Transactions.


    A keyword followed by a host language variable (distributed-tid)
    in application programs. When you want the transaction you are
    starting to join a distributed transaction, use this clause to
    specify the distributed TID of the distributed transaction that
    you want your transaction to join.

    The distributed-tid is a host language variable. You use the
    distributed-tid variable to hold the value of the distributed TID
    that DECdtm services generates and returns to the application.
    DECdtm services uses the distributed TID to distinguish the
    databases involved in a particular distributed transaction.

    Note that if you want to start a distributed transaction, you
    should use only the DISTRIBUTED_TRANSACTION clause. However, if
    you want your application to start a transaction that will join a
    distributed transaction, then you must use both the DISTRIBUTED_
    TRANSACTION clause and the DISTRIBUTED_TID distributed-tid

    Your application must explicitly call the SYS$START_TRANS system
    service and you must specify the DISTRIBUTED_TID distributed-
    tid clause if you want the transaction you are starting to join
    a distributed transaction. The distributed-tid variable is an
    octaword (16 bytes) that you should declare and initialize to
    zero at the beginning of your application.

    Do not use the DISTRIBUTED_TID clause in interactive RDO. It is
    valid only in RDBPRE and Callable RDO.

    For complete information on distributed transactions, see the
    Oracle Rdb Guide to Distributed Transactions.

3.3  –  tx-options

  (B)0tx-options =

  qwqq> BATCH_UPDATE qqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqw>
   mwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqwqqqqqq>qqqqqqwqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqk      x
    tq> READ_ONLY    qqu tq> WAIT qqqqqu tqq> CONCURRENCY qqu x      x
    mq> READ_WRITE   qqj mq> NOWAIT qqqj mqq> CONSISTENCY qqj x      x
   lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj      x
   mwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqk                    x
    mq> EVALUATING qwq> evaluating-clause qqwqj x                    x
                    mqqqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqqqqqj   x                    x
   lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj                    x
    mq> RESERVING qwq> reserving-clause qwqwqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqwj
                   mqqqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqqqj tq> WITH AUTO_LOCKING qqu
                                           mq> WITH NOAUTO_LOCKING j

3.3.1  –  BATCH_UPDATE

    Before you begin a batch-update transaction in your programs, you
    should create a backup copy of the database.

    You can reduce overhead in large, initial load operations by
    using the BATCH_UPDATE option. To speed update operations,
    Oracle Rdb does not write to the process' recovery-unit journal
    (RUJ) file in the batch-update transaction. Therefore, you
    cannot explicitly roll back a batch-update transaction with a
    ROLLBACK statement. If Oracle Rdb attempts to perform an automatic
    rollback due to any error (for example, a constraint condition is
    violated) that you do not trap in your program, the transaction
    fails and your database is permanently corrupted (because no
    RUJ file exists). You must then re-create the database from
    the backup copy you created prior to starting the batch-update
    transaction. After you have corrected the error condition, you
    can restart the program from the beginning.

    For critical information on the hazards of batch-update
    transactions, read the START TRANSACTION statement's section
    on batch-update transactions in the RDO reference manual.

3.3.2  –  READ_ONLY

    If you start a read-only transaction, you can retrieve a snapshot
    of the database at the moment the transaction started. Other
    users can update records in the relation you are using, but your
    transaction retrieves the records as they existed at the time
    the transaction started. Any changes that other users make and
    commit during the transaction are invisible to you. A read-only
    transaction lets you read data without incurring the overhead
    of record locking. You cannot modify, store, or erase records or
    execute data definition statements in a read-only transaction.

3.3.3  –  READ_WRITE

    Signals that you want to use the locking mechanisms of Oracle Rdb
    to get consistency in data retrieval and update. Use a read/write
    transaction mode when you need to:

    o  Store, modify, or erase data

    o  Retrieve data that is guaranteed to be correct at the moment
       of retrieval

    o  Use Oracle Rdb data definition statements

3.3.4  –  WAIT_NOWAIT

    Determines what your transaction does when it encounters a locked

    o  If you specify WAIT, the transaction waits for others to
       complete and then proceeds. WAIT is the default.

    o  If you specify NOWAIT, your transaction returns an error
       message when it encounters a locked record.


    The CONSISTENCY and CONCURRENCY options control the extent to
    which the database protects the consistency of your data.

    The broadening of isolation level support in Oracle Rdb V4.2 changed
    the way that Oracle Rdb treats RDO, RDBPRE, and RDML applications
    that use CONCURRENCY transactions. With Oracle Rdb V4.1 and earlier
    databases, these applications ignored the CONCURRENCY setting by
    running their transactions at the default CONSISTENCY setting.
    With Oracle Rdb V4.2 and later databases, the transactions are run
    at the CONCURRENCY setting specified.

    Because Oracle Rdb V4.2 expanded the CONCURRENCY setting in the
    START_TRANSACTION statement of RDO, your DBA should check those
    RDO, RDBPRE, and RDML applications that specify the CONCURRENCY
    keyword in START_TRANSACTION statements to ensure that the
    applications return expected results at the reduced consistency
    level defined by the CONCURRENCY setting.

    Your RDO, RDBPRE, and RDML applications that explicitly specify
    CONCURRENCY in START_TRANSACTION statements will now operate in
    Oracle Rdb V4.2 and later versions at the equivalent (SQL)
    LEVEL 2) when attached to either non-Oracle Rdb databases
    or Oracle Rdb V4.2 and later databases. Those RDO, RDBPRE, and
    RDML applications that do not explicitly specify a consistency
    level or explicitly specify CONSISTENCY (default) will not change
    transaction behavior.

    In pre-Oracle Rdb Version 4.2 releases, Oracle Rdb ran application
    transactions at the CONCURRENCY setting against non-Oracle Rdb
    databases only and ignored the CONCURRENCY setting when
    attached to Oracle Rdb databases. Instead of running these latter
    applications at CONSISTENCY LEVEL 2 (CONCURRENCY), as you might
    expect, Oracle Rdb ran them at the default CONSISTENCY LEVEL 3.

    For Oracle Rdb Version 4.2 and later versions, however, RDO, RDBPRE,
    and RDML applications that use the CONCURRENCY (CONSISTENCY
    LEVEL 2) setting in transactions attached to Oracle Rdb Version
    4.2 and later databases will no longer automatically revert
    to CONSISTENCY LEVEL 3 as was true in Oracle Rdb Version 4.1
    and earlier releases. Instead, they will run at the specified

    Refer to the "Differences in Relational Terminology" table in the
    "Terminology" subtopic of the DECRDB topic in the DCL help file
    for the relationship between SQL isolation level terminology and
    its equivalent RDO, RDBPRE, and RDML terminology.

    You can use the Oracle Rdb RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS logical "T" option to
    determine the consistency level at which your executable images
    are running. The "T" option displays application transaction
    characteristics and will display TPB$K_DEGREE2 for those
    applications that use the CONCURRENCY option.

    Because some 4GL's also use CONCURRENCY, you should contact
    your 4GL vendor about possible changes in transaction behavior;
    however, Rdb expects that in most cases the CONCURRENCY
    option reflects how your DBA wants transactions to run and also
    that your DBA understands that the reduced isolation level should
    not be detrimental to applications.

    In other database systems that you might want to access using
    the remote feature of Oracle Rdb, this option specifies the degree
    to which you want to control the consistency of the database. In
    such systems, the CONCURRENCY option sacrifices some consistency
    protection for improved performance with many users.

    If you use the CONCURRENCY option, you may be able to transport
    your programs to another system that takes advantage of that option
    and achieve improved performance.

    The default for Oracle Rdb is CONSISTENCY. When CONSISTENCY is
    specified, Oracle Rdb always guarantees degree 3 consistency. Degree
    3 consistency means that the database system guarantees that
    data you have read will not be changed by another user before you
    issue a COMMIT statement.

3.3.6  –  evaluating-clause

  (B)0evaluating-clause =

  qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> constraint qq> AT qqwq> VERB_TIME qqqwq>
   mq> db-handle . qj                        mq> COMMIT_TIME qj  –  Options

    VERB_TIME          When the data manipulation statement is issued
    COMMIT_TIME        When the COMMIT statement executes
    db-handle          A database handle (for multiple databases)

3.3.7  –  reserving-clause

  (B)0reserving-clause =

  qqwqwqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqwqwq> relation-name qqwqwqqqk
    x mq> db-handle qq> . qqj mq> view-name qqqqqqj x   x
    mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj   x
    mq> FOR qqqwqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqwqqqqwqq> READ qqqwqqq>
               tqq> EXCLUSIVE qqqqu    mqq> WRITE qqj
               tqq> PROTECTED qqqqu
               mqq> SHARED qqqqqqqj  –  More

    The list of relations to be locked during the transaction.
    In general, include all the relations your transaction will
    access. If you specify the AUTO LOCKING clause, constraints and
    triggers defined on the reserved relations will be able to access
    additional relations that do not appear in the list of reserved

    Note that if you use the RESERVING clause without the AUTO
    LOCKING clause, you can access only those relations that you
    have explicitly reserved.  –  Options

    Option          Access Constraints

    SHARED          Other users can work with the same relations
                    as you.  Depending on the option they choose,
                    they can have read-only or read and write
                    access to the relations.

    PROTECTED       Other users can read the relations you are
                    using. They cannot have WRITE access.

    EXCLUSIVE       Other users cannot read records from the
                    relations included in your transaction.  If
                    another user refers to the same relation in
                    a START_TRANSACTION statement, Oracle Rdb denies
                    access to that user.

    READ            You will only read data from the relations.

    WRITE           You will store, modify, or erase data in
                    the relations.

3.3.8  –  AUTO_LOCKING

    An optional clause that can be specified with the RESERVING
    clause. When you specify the WITH AUTO_LOCKING clause, Oracle Rdb
    automatically locks any relations referenced from constraints and
    triggers defined on the reserved relations when the referenced
    relations are accessed from the constraints or triggers. If one
    of these referenced relations is also a reserved relation, the
    explicitly specified lock mode must not conflict with the lock
    mode required by the constraint or trigger that references the

    The default is WITH AUTO_LOCKING. Specify the WITH NOAUTO_LOCKING
    clause if you do not want to use the auto-locking option.

3.4  –  on-clause

  (B)0on-clause =

  qwq> ON qwq> db-handle qwq> USING q> ( qwq> tx-options qwq> ) qwq>
   x       mqqqqq , <qqqqqj               mq> DEFAULTS qqqj      x
   mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq AND <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj

3.4.1  –  db-handle

    A host language variable used to refer to the database.

3.4.2  –  tx-options

    For more information on transaction options, select the subtopic
    tx-options of the START_TRANSACTION Format subtopic.

3.5  –  on-error

    The ON ERROR clause. Specifies host language statement(s) to
    be performed if an error occurs during the START_TRANSACTION

4  –  Examples

    Example 1

    Ready a relation with defaults:


    This statement allows access to all the relations in the current
    database so that all users can modify records. It is equivalent
    to readying all the relations for the SHARED WRITE reserving

    Example 2

    Start a read-only transaction:


    This statement lets you read data from the database but not store
    or modify data. When you retrieve data, you see the state of
    the records as they existed at the time of the START_TRANSACTION
    statement. You do not see any updates to the database made after
    that time.

    Example 3

    Start a transaction with locked relations:

    The following statement lets you specify the intended action for
    each relation in the transaction.


    Assume that this transaction updates the EMPLOYEES relation based
    on values found in two other relations, JOBS and SALARY_HISTORY:

    o  The transaction must update EMPLOYEES, so EMPLOYEES is readied
       for the PROTECTED WRITE option.

    o  The program will only read values from JOBS and SALARY_
       HISTORY, so there is no need for PROTECTED or WRITE access.
       However, you do intend to update records in the transaction,
       so the read-only transaction mode is not appropriate.

    Example 4

    In the following example, the user [SQL,HALSTON] receives the
    READ, WRITE, MODIFY, and ERASE rights. HALSTON also gets the
    DISTRIBTRAN right, which allows HALSTON to run the two-phase
    commit protocol on the current database.

    cont> POSITION 2

    Example 5

    The following START_TRANSACTION statement starts a read/write
    transaction reserving the EMPLOYEES table for shared read. Note
    that the SHOW TRANSACTION statement shows that fast commit is
    enabled for the database.

    All Transactions in Database with filename MF_PERSONNEL
    a read-write transaction is in progress
      - updates have not been performed
      - fast commit is enabled
      - transaction sequence number (TSN) is 121
      - snapshot space for TSNs less than 121 can be reclaimed
      - session ID number is 42
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