Allows you to modify the extent and snapshot allocation of
a storage area. You cannot specify RDB$SYSTEM in the change-
storage-area-clause. To change the EXTENT, SNAPSHOT ALLOCATION,
or SNAPSHOT EXTENT for RDB$SYSTEM, specify these qualifiers as
part of the change-database-options. When you specify these
options as part of the change-database-options, they will be
changed for RDB$SYSTEM but not for any other storage areas.
(B)0[mchange-storage-area-clause =
qqqqqq> [4mCHANGE[m [4mSTORAGE[m [4mAREA[m qqqqqqqq> storage-area-name qqqqqk
x x tq> [4mREAD_WRITE[m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x x
x x tq> [4mEXTENT[m IS qw> extent-pages qqqqqqqq PAGES qwqqqqqu x x
x x x m> extension-options qqqqqqqqqqqj x x x
x x tq> [4mSNAPSHOT[m [4mALLOCATION[m IS qq> snp-pages qqq> PAGES qu x x
x x mq> [4mSNAPSHOT[m [4mEXTENT[m IS qw> extent-pages qq> PAGES qwqj x x
x x m> (extension-options) qqqqj x x
x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
tqqqqq> [4mREAD_ONLY[m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu
mqqqqq> [4mWRITE_ONCE[m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj
Additional Information: