Example 1 The following example changes the index node size to 100 bytes, and sets the initial fullness percentage from 70 percent to 95 percent: RDO> CHANGE INDEX JH_EMPLOYEE_ID cont> NODE SIZE 100 cont> PERCENT FILL 95. Note that JH_EMPLOYEE_ID is a sorted index. You cannot change node size, percent fill, or the USAGE clause for a hashed index. Example 2 The following example changes how the index is stored by specifying a new index-storage-clause for the index: RDO> CHANGE INDEX EMPLOYEES_HASH cont> DESCRIPTION IS /* Hashed index for employees */ cont> STORE USING EMPLOYEE_ID cont> WITHIN cont> EMPIDS_LOW WITH LIMIT OF "00400"; cont> EMPIDS_MID WITH LIMIT OF "00800"; cont> EMPIDS_OVER. Example 3 The following example changes the size of each index node and sets the initial fullness percentage for each node in the index structure being changed. It also specifies a storage map definition for the index. RDO> CHANGE INDEX COLL_COLLEGE_CODE cont> NODE SIZE 1250 PERCENT FILL 100 cont> STORE WITHIN EMP_INFO.