Example 1 You can change the protection in an access control list entry by specifying an identifier: RDO> CHANGE PROTECTION FOR DATABASE cont> [GROUP1,SMITH] cont> ACCESS NOCONTROL+NOOPERATOR+NOADMINISTRATOR. This statement performs the following actions: o Identifies the user whose protection you want to change. Here, the user is identified by [GROUP1,SMITH]. o Changes the access rights to deny the user CONTROL, OPERATOR, and ADMINISTRATOR privileges. All other privileges remain as you defined them in the previous version of this ACL entry. Example 2 You can identify the ACL entry by a sequence number: RDO> CHANGE PROTECTION FOR DATABASE cont> 4 cont> ACCESS WRITE+MODIFY+ERASE. This statement performs the following actions: o Identifies the entry by specifying a sequence number 4. This means that this statement will change the fourth entry in the access control list for the database PERSONNEL. o Changes the access rights by granting WRITE, MODIFY, and ERASE access. All other rights remain as they were before.