This table summarizes the characteristics of the Oracle Rdb data
Table 1 : Oracle Rdb Data Types
Oracle Rdb Corresponding Size Range Other
Data Type CPU Data Type Precision Parameters
SIGNED Signed byte 8 bits -128 to n = scale
BYTE integer 127 factor
SIGNED Signed word 16 bits -32768 to n = scale
WORD integer 32767 factor
SIGNED Signed 32 bits -2**31 to n = scale
LONGWORD longword (2**31)-1 factor
SIGNED Signed 64 bits -2**63 to n = scale
QUADWORD quadword (2**63)-1 factor
F_FLOATING F_floating 32 bits 0.29 x 10**(-38) None
Single to 1.7 x 10**38
precision Approximately
floating seven decimal
point number digits
G_FLOATING G_floating 64 bits 0.56 x 10**(-308) None
Extended to 0.9 x 10**308
precision Approximately
floating 15 decimal
point number digits
DATE Absolute date 64 bits Not None
and time applicable
TEXT ASCII text n bytes 0 to 32767 n = number of
characters characters
VARYING Varying Varies 0 to 32765 n = maximum
STRING length ASCII characters number of
text characters
SEGMENTED None Varies 0 to 64k None
STRING bytes per
Note: For more information on SEGMENTED STRINGS, request HELP
on Segment_str.
Additional Information: