Example 1 Executes the NH_EMPLOYEES transfer at 1:24 a.m. on June 24, 1988. The transfer will then execute every day at 5:30 p.m. If a nonfatal error occurs, the transfer execution will be retried three times with 30 minutes between the end of the failed transfer execution and the start of the next one. RDO> DEFINE SCHEDULE FOR NH_EMPLOYEES cont> START 24-JUN-1988 01:24:00.00 <---- Absolute time cont> EVERY DAY AT 17:30 <---- Absolute time cont> RETRY 3 TIMES cont> RETRY EVERY 0 00:30:00 cont> END SCHEDULE. Example 2 This example uses a delta-time specification to have 36 hours (1 day plus 12 hours) between the completion of one transfer execution and the beginning of the next. The example uses two delta times, EVERY 1 12:00 and RETRY EVERY 0 03:00:00. EVERY 1 12:00 states that there will be 36 hours (1 day plus 12 hours) between the completion of the first transfer and the beginning of the next. If transfer execution does not succeed on the first attempt, the transfer schedule permits Replication Option to make up to five additional attempts to complete the transfer. RETRY EVERY 0 03:00:00 means Replication Option should retry the transfer three hours after a nonfatal failure until the transfer completes successfully or until the maximum of five retries has been attempted. If the transfer does not complete successfully after five retries, the next attempt will be 36 hours after the last failed attempt. RDO> DEFINE SCHEDULE FOR NH_EMPLOYEES cont> START 15-MAY-1988 cont> EVERY 1 12:00 !<---- 1 day plus 12 hours cont> RETRY 5 TIMES cont> RETRY EVERY 0 03:00:00 !<---- 3 hours cont> END. Example 3 The following transfer schedule causes Replication Option to execute a transfer for the first time at 12 noon on the 15th of October 1988. Subsequent transfers will occur every day thereafter at 5:30 p.m. If an error occurs preventing a successful transfer, Replication Option will retry every 30 minutes until the transfer is successful or the maximum of three retries has been reached. RDO> DEFINE SCHEDULE FOR NH_EMPLOYEES cont> START 15-OCT-1988 12:00 cont> EVERY DAY AT 17:30 !<---- Every day cont> RETRY 3 TIMES cont> RETRY EVERY 0 00:30:00 cont> END SCHEDULE. Example 4 The following schedule definition assumes that you want to execute the transfer immediately after you complete the schedule definition and, therefore, it contains no START clause. If the system time is 20-OCT-1988 16:00:00 when you complete the DEFINE SCHEDULE statement, the next execution of the NH_EMPLOYEES transfer will start on 20-NOV-1988 16:00:00. RDO> DEFINE SCHEDULE FOR NH_EMPLOYEES cont> EVERY MONTH cont> RETRY 3 TIMES cont> RETRY EVERY 0 00:30:00 cont> END. Example 5 This example calls for the NH_EMPLOYEES transfer to execute at 3:00 p.m. every Wednesday. The schedule definition calls for a maximum of three retries occurring at intervals of 30 minutes. RDO> DEFINE SCHEDULE FOR NH_EMPLOYEES cont> START 12-NOV-1988 15:00:00.00 cont> EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 15:00:00 !<---- Wednesdays at 3 p.m. cont> RETRY 3 TIMES cont> RETRY EVERY 0 00:30:00 cont> END. Example 6 The following example causes an initial transfer to execute on the 15th of July at 5 p.m., on every Monday after the 15th at 5 p.m., every Tuesday at 11 a.m., and every Friday at 11 a.m. Because a RETRY clause is not specified, even if a nonfatal failure occurs, the transfer will not execute until the next regularly scheduled time. RDO> DEFINE SCHEDULE FOR NH_EMPLOYEES cont> START 15-JUL-1988 17:00 cont> EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY AT 11:00, FRIDAY cont> END. Example 7 This example causes a transfer to start at midnight on July 15th and on the 15th of every month thereafter at 7 p.m. RDO> DEFINE SCHEDULE FOR NH_EMPLOYEES cont> START 15-JUL-1988 cont> EVERY MONTH AT 19:00 cont> END.