(B)0[mrelation-clause = q> context-variable q> [4mIN[m wqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqwq> relation-name q> m> db-handle q> . j The context variables and relations to be included in the record stream or loop. If you specify a view name in the relation-clause, the moved view becomes a relation in the target database. The context-variable supplies a temporary name to identify the record stream. Once you have associated a context-variable with a relation, you use the context-variable to refer to fields from that relation. The db-handle is a host variable or name used to refer to a specific database you have invoked. In extraction or replication transfers, you should not use database handles in the RSE of a MOVE RELATION clause. Replication Option returns an error message if you include a database handle in the RSE. However, in an extraction rollup transfer, you must use database handles in the RSE to specify the relation or Replication Option will return an error message.